Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2019

What is the length barrier you would like to break through in 2019, with Shea butter's help?

  • Top of shoulder length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Collar bone length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Armpit length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Between armpit and bra strap length

    Votes: 36 20.3%
  • Bra strap length

    Votes: 28 15.8%
  • Between bra strap and waist length

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Waist length

    Votes: 35 19.8%
  • Whip length

    Votes: 12 6.8%
  • Hip length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Tailbone length

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters

Aphogee 2 Step Protein Strategy During the Lengthening Stage Of Hair Growth:

In 2019 I did NOT use lots of Aphogee 2 Step Treatments. That is because it breaks off my little, countable, single lengthening hairs. When my hair is in the lengthening stage, I have literally hairs that I can count. Aphogee 2 Step makes the hair stick together and it is easy to lose those hairs. Thus, I use Aphogee 2 Step when my hair has thickened up considerably at the new length.

Today, I will probably do an Aphogee 2 Step Treatment, foamed up of course! I have enough thickness at my newer length to be able to BENEFIT from the product. The more I know and learn about my hair and its growth cycle, the better I can work with my products, or other products.

In the meantime, for most of 2019 I used a either Aphogee 2 Minute Protein or my Keratin Treatment.

I love the Naat because it is a leave-in treatment.
Another leave in I used a little bit was the Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstructor.


When my hair is getting longer, but it is not full and thick on the ends: I use leave-in or gentle protein treatments.

When my hair has gotten THICKER at the longer length and it is full and thicker on the ends: I use Aphogee 2 Step, hard core protein.

How do you use the aphogee 2 min as well as the aphogee leave in?
I think I'm getting the Shea Butters mostly for my skin, a little for my hair, but mostly skin. I like having tight skin at age 51 and want to keep that going and I believe Shea Butter will help a lot in that area of my self-care.
i was mostly just using it for my skin because i didn't think i needed it for my hair anymore but boy was i wrong. This is the first wash i've used shea in my hair in like a month and there's an IMMEDIATE difference.

I do love it for the skin though. It evens u out like no other.
Sadly 3CayG's customer service has not responded to any of my queries about the Nilotica Shea Butter - of when it will be in stock. Has anyone else had any luck getting a response from them, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Nope, no response to the gmail or instant messenger. I asked this same question a few posts up. I however did place a pre-order of 5lbs or the Shea Nilotica. I won’t have to worry about when she decides to stock back up. I’ll be good for a while.
Long time lurker, first time posting. I'm not new to Shea butter but this go around I'm having a little trouble .

What technique are you it guys doing so the sb doesn't gum up on your hands?

What leave in do you use? Does only certain lic work with sb ?

Will there be a 2020 challenge

Welcome to the board and to the Shea thread! I'll let the others chime in and answer your questions. My understanding is that there will be a challenge in 2020.
Wash day yesterday

1. Acv prepoo
2. ABS DIY Ayurveda shampoo
3 .DC with ssi marula masque
4. Twisted with my Shea fluff
( I think I need a leave in)
Welcome to the board and to the Shea thread! I'll let the others chime in and answer your questions. My understanding is that there will be a challenge in 2020.
I know you said you weren't going to host the 2020 thread, but will you still post in it? I've been lurking a few months, and now i'm trying to read through the entire 2018 and 2019 threads, your posts are not only informative, but keep the threads entertaining and interesting. i've never been able to get through challenge threads about anything before because i found them boring, but not these shea threads, and you are most of the reason.
I just realized that my hair and body butter from AnnaBelle's Perfect Blend has shea butter high up the ingredients list.

I do love this butter and use it primarily on my skin because of the birthday cake and marshmallow fragrance. It is soft and fluffy and goes on smoothly too. Hopefully she will be having a BF sale so I can get more.
Long time lurker, first time posting. I'm not new to Shea butter but this go around I'm having a little trouble .

What technique are you it guys doing so the sb doesn't gum up on your hands?

What leave in do you use? Does only certain lic work with sb ?

Will there be a 2020 challenge

Hey you!

Many of us are using Shea butter mixed/whipped with some oil. The first page of this thread has a few recipes. Many of us are also just using raw Shea butter. When it’s the real stuff, it should be creamy and melt with your body heat. There is a lighter version of Shea called Shea Nilotica that most of us are getting from 3cayg and that special beauty doesn’t require whipping at all. It’s literally like butta!

I have used every leave in conditioner in my stash with Shea and she makes everything work fine. Some have glycerine and some don’t. They are all water based though.

I know you said you weren't going to host the 2020 thread, but will you still post in it? I've been lurking a few months, and now i'm trying to read through the entire 2018 and 2019 threads, your posts are not only informative, but keep the threads entertaining and interesting. i've never been able to get through challenge threads about anything before because i found them boring, but not these shea threads, and you are most of the reason.

That's so sweet of you to say! I don't know if I'll be participating in the next challenge. The first Shea butter challenge thread was pure fun with poignant points. The second challenge was really informative and practical. I feel like I've got nothing new to add to the Shea butter thread discussion. You never know what can happen, though. We'll have to just wait and see in 2020!
Hey you!

Many of us are using Shea butter mixed/whipped with some oil. The first page of this thread has a few recipes. Many of us are also just using raw Shea butter. When it’s the real stuff, it should be creamy and melt with your body heat. There is a lighter version of Shea called Shea Nilotica that most of us are getting from 3cayg and that special beauty doesn’t require whipping at all. It’s literally like butta!

I have used every leave in conditioner in my stash with Shea and she makes everything work fine. Some have glycerine and some don’t. They are all water based though.

Thanks!! Looks like I need something more than just water . My leave in will be here Wednesday . I used to whip Shea butter all the time , so I'm good on that part . Just trying to get my hair juicy lol
Thanks!! Looks like I need something more than just water . My leave in will be here Wednesday . I used to whip Shea butter all the time , so I'm good on that part . Just trying to get my hair juicy lol

Depends really. I almost never use a leave in. I don't really care for them. To prevent the gumming, I dry my hands after each section. My hands need to be dry when I rub shea between them.
Depends really. I almost never use a leave in. I don't really care for them. To prevent the gumming, I dry my hands after each section. My hands need to be dry when I rub shea between them.
I'll have to figure something out cause when I handle my hair , my hands are constantly damp. Thanks
Boy I got really nervous and pre-ordered 5 more pounds of Nilotica Shea Butter from

The way everyone is talking about this butter, I think I might regret not getting enough plus it seems to be so much in demand that it runs out quickly. Not taking any unnecessary chances.

Okay I can breathe now. ((exhales - Whoosah!))
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You all will not believe what just happened! 3CayG actually just responded to a request of mine to combine an order I made yesterday to an order I just made today. They confirmed that they will combine it, thank goodness.

The email I sent it to is [email protected]. I was in total shock :shocked:. I also complained that no one EVER answers their phone so I was hoping to have some luck with this email address - and I did! :yay:
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I just picked up my original 3CayG Shea Butter order. The mango butter I bought from them is very grainy. It's nice on my skin, sinks in really nicely, and the glow is awesome. I will see if I can mix it up a bit to remove the grains - I don't like that feeling at all :nono2:.

Now the Ivory and Yellow Shea Butters on the other hand are pure soft, smooth decadence. They smell like the real deal and I know I will thoroughly enjoy these way more than I did the CleoPatrasChoice Shea Butter I bought over a year ago. I don't think I even have to re-mix them - they are so soft.

I gave a lot of shea butters away to friends in the past but this 3CayG butter, hmm I don't think that will be happening, nuh-uh, no ma'am, so sir-eee :nono:.
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I just picked up my original 3CayG Shea Butter order. The mango butter I bought from them is very grainy. It's nice on my skin, sinks in really nicely, and the glow is awesome. I will see if I can mix it up a bit to remove the grains - I don't like that feeling at all :nono2:.

Now the Ivory and Yellow Shea Butters on the other hand are pure soft, smooth decadence. They smell like the real deal and I know I will thoroughly enjoy these way more than I did the CleoPatrasChoice Shea Butter I bought over a year ago. I don't think I even have to re-mix them - they are so soft.

I gave a lot of shea butters away to friends in the past but this 3CayG butter, hmm I don't think that will be happening, nuh-uh, no ma'am, so sir-eee :nono:.

I noticed the graininess in the mango butter too. I have to melt it, mix with some kind of oil, then whip for it to go away. When you do get rid of the grains it's quite nice.
I’m still in awe of how thoroughly Shea is changing my hair. Yesterday, I washed, conditioned & used s-curl-n-Shea and then twisted up my hair like usual. Today after work, I took down my hair for a different style and it was so soft, juicy & easily detangled my goodness :blush2::drool:

The only possible problem I’m finding is that if it gets on my scalp, it itches but only in certain places. I wonder if it’s the frankincense or the Shea itself. This may be something I file under “TIL”, my scalp might just hate everything :(
......but I’m going to order from somewhere else this time to see if plain regular Shea nilotica does this.
I’m still in awe of how thoroughly Shea is changing my hair. Yesterday, I washed, conditioned & used s-curl-n-Shea and then twisted up my hair like usual. Today after work, I took down my hair for a different style and it was so soft, juicy & easily detangled my goodness :blush2::drool:

The only possible problem I’m finding is that if it gets on my scalp, it itches but only in certain places. I wonder if it’s the frankincense or the Shea itself. This may be something I file under “TIL”, my scalp might just hate everything :(
......but I’m going to order from somewhere else this time to see if plain regular Shea nilotica does this.
for some reason lots of people notice shea being a prob when applied to the scalp.... try applying it to the last 3/4 of the hair instead of down the whole strand if it bothers you.
You all will not believe what just happened! 3CayG actually just responded to a request of mine to combine an order I made yesterday to an order I just made today. They confirmed that they will combine it, thank goodness.

The email I sent it to is [email protected]. I was in total shock :shocked:. I also complained that no one EVER answers their phone so I was hoping to have some luck with this email address - and I did! :yay:
Lol I used that email no no response. Glad you got a reply.
I just picked up my original 3CayG Shea Butter order. The mango butter I bought from them is very grainy. It's nice on my skin, sinks in really nicely, and the glow is awesome. I will see if I can mix it up a bit to remove the grains - I don't like that feeling at all :nono2:.

Now the Ivory and Yellow Shea Butters on the other hand are pure soft, smooth decadence. They smell like the real deal and I know I will thoroughly enjoy these way more than I did the CleoPatrasChoice Shea Butter I bought over a year ago. I don't think I even have to re-mix them - they are so soft.

I gave a lot of shea butters away to friends in the past but this 3CayG butter, hmm I don't think that will be happening, nuh-uh, no ma'am, so sir-eee :nono:.
Her Shea is really good. Did you get the Benin Shea? I have the mango butter and it’s kind of chunky and hard to mix. I haven’t used it much. Still have like a lb of it that I purchased like a year ago. Maybe I will mix it with oil and whip it up. lol at you ordering my 7lbs total of the Nilotica. I’m hoping this five lbs will last me a while so I don’t have to worry about it running out before I can restock.
Lol I used that email no no response. Glad you got a reply.

Her Shea is really good. Did you get the Benin Shea? I have the mango butter and it’s kind of chunky and hard to mix. I haven’t used it much. Still have like a lb of it that I purchased like a year ago. Maybe I will mix it with oil and whip it up. lol at you ordering my 7lbs total of the Nilotica. I’m hoping this five lbs will last me a while so I don’t have to worry about it running out before I can restock.
Sadly no I didn't get the Benin Shea. That one is next on my list to purchase though.