Shea Butter!!

Black Hoya Chick

New Member
Just got mine in the mail today! I am so excited to use it tonight. I am gonna rinse my hair, moisturize with my Garnier, and then seal with the butter. I'll let you all know my results, but until do YOU feel about shea butter?
I love Shea Butter. I get mine from and use it all over! Just finished up a jar this week!
I need to start using this some more.
My mom got two HUGE tubs of it from a friend of hers.
She gave me less than 1/2 of it and I have so much.
She wanted to give me some more!

I'm going to melt some this weekend and add some EO's to them.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. My hair soaks it up, so for e it does double duty. Try melting some down and adding a scent- I placed a sprig of fresh peppermint to mine to let it seep in and now its cool on my scalp and smells good. I just replace the peppermint when it starts to look icky.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. My hair soaks it up, so for e it does double duty. Try melting some down and adding a scent- I placed a sprig of fresh peppermint to mine to let it seep in and now its cool on my scalp and smells good. I just replace the peppermint when it starts to look icky.

yeah i may look into that. cuz i wont lie, i am not really digging the scent. lol
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. My hair soaks it up, so for e it does double duty. Try melting some down and adding a scent- I placed a sprig of fresh peppermint to mine to let it seep in and now its cool on my scalp and smells good. I just replace the peppermint when it starts to look icky.

I'm going to try this!
I love Shea Butter. I get mine from and use it all over! Just finished up a jar this week!

It's to the point where, if a local vendor is selling shea butter, and it doesn't look like Nasabb's shea butter, I refuse to purchase. :nono:

LOL! And, I like to mix mine with coconut oil sometimes. :lick:
Oh-em-gee! that was the greatest thing i have ever used. why did i wait so long?! my hair feels so moisturized, sealed, and...great. and its heavy so there is some weight on my hair, which i love because its so thick and hard to tame sometimes. this has def just replaced my olive oil so sealing, and gel for setting. wonderful!