Shea Butter Products=Dull, No shine Hair???


Well-Known Member
I've been using Afroveda Shea Amla Butter and I love the scent and how it softens, but it gives me NO shine what so ever!! What do you naturals use to give your hair sheen/shine?
well one thing that I noticed that gave and maintained uber shine on my DDs 4b hair was coconut oil! I have been using it but I been using it as a moisturizer but I think thats wrong and you are supposed to use it as a seal...but usually I just spray hair with a water/glycerin/shea butter mix and then pull some coconut oil through it and it blings!
I'm relaxed and I have been using shea as well. I noticed that my hair was moist but dull as well. I won't be using it anymore.
I've been using Afroveda Shea Amla Butter and I love the scent and how it softens, but it gives me NO shine what so ever!! What do you naturals use to give your hair sheen/shine?

This isn't a pure shea butter product in any form. The ingredients are first aloe vera, rice milk, water and THEN shea butter.
Maybe you should try shea butter by itself and then reach a verdict. It may be the afroveda product that is not working, not the shea butter. I had the same issue....

Peaceloveandsunshine has great reviews for her shea butter products.
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Castor oil and coconut oil give shine.

If you wanna spend more money, Jane Carter Nourish & Shine gives shine as well.
Rinsing with ACV and cool water plus applying castor oil makes my hair very shiny.

Coconut oil too but castor oil is even better.
I have castor oil, I might try it. I really like the Shea Amla Im so disappointed. I guess I'll try it with other products and see what happens.
Shea butter is kind of dulling. If you get unrefined shea and blend it with another oil, that my cut the dulling effect some. That's what I do. It will never just make your hair *bling* like a true oil would though, but that's okay with me because the other healthy benefits of it helps me to overlook it.
Hmmm. i never really noticed shea making my hair dull. Maybe because i mix mine with safflower oil and vitamin E. However, like everybody has said, COCONUT OIL is great for shine. I can't wait to take my weave out so that i can get all up in my hair :lachen:

If you shampoo frequently, you can go with Lusters Pink Glosser as well. It has shea butter, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, eucalyptus oil, Vit E, papaya extracts and all sorts of other yummy stuff.

It is definitely not an all natural product, but it was all the rave here about two years ago :rolleyes:
I mainly use she butter on my kids hair so for my dd, i use a mix in this order: unrefined shea butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil which gives some shine. if i wanted more shine, shea butter would be last and the oils first. I've never noticed dull hair because not only do i use my mix on her hair but i also make a honey mix co that helps to add luster. So I think it's how you use shea butter. Some hair require more oils than other. Now my ds, he's a boy and I personally don't care for shine on his head. As long as it's not a can of Murry's, shea butter is all he needs.