Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or seal??


Well-Known Member
I've heard that shea butter is great to seal in moisture, but i've also heard a lot of people use it to moisturize their hair. I have a well whipped mixture of shea butter EVO EVCO and vitamin E. and it has the texture of an extremely thick cream. Please help me to understand if i should continue to use this as a sealant, or would it be better used as a moisturizing lotion.

BTW: i've been transitionig for a year 4a/4b
Re: Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or se

From what I remember, shea butter is a fat. Fats and oils absorb better into the hair than your average moisturizer since they have the ability to penetrate the inner layers of the hair strand. When I would use (I was Relaxed) shea butter, I would still use a moisturizer. My hair was pretty soft and my ends never broke off.

I'm a 4a/b girl myself :)
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Re: Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or se

From what I remember, shea butter is a fat. Fats and oils absorb better into the hair than your average moisturizer since they have the ability to penetrate the inner layers of the hair strand. When I would use (I was Relaxed) shea butter, I would still use a moisturizer. My hair was pretty soft and my ends never broke off.

i usually use oils as a sealant because they coat the strand, locking in the moisture. I also have a seperate moisturizing lotion that i use before the oil. So would it be best to use the shea butter before or after the moisturizing lotion??
Re: Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or se

Before. Moisturize first and then apply the shea butter.
Re: Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or se

Even though the coconut and the shea can penetrate the hair shaft I think they are only providing nourishment not moisture. I would still use a water based moisturizer.
Re: Shea Butter Mixture with cocunut/olive oil/vitamin e --does this moisturize or se

As I understand it, a product has to either have water in it, or cause water to be drawn into the hair (a humectant) to be considered a moisturizer. Ultimately, you'll have to experiment on your own hair to determine how you should use it. Sounds like an awesome mix though! Probably best used on wet hair to seal in moisture.