Shea it really healthy?


Active Member

I am a newbie here and I was reading the thread on oils that penetrate. I noticed some of the board members said shea butter didn't work on their hair and it just "sits" on their hair. I know everything doesn't work for everybody, but I am just wondering if shea butter is really a good moisturizing butter? Also, is mango butter a good moisturizing better?
Well, I can't speak for everyone else, but shea butter works really well for my hair. It provides a lot of moisture for me, and I often like whipping it with other oils also.

I have yet to use pure mango butter, though.
Shea butter "sitting" on the hair isn't necesarily a bad thing. Yes it'll probably make the hair feel greasy, but it also means that there's a protective layer on the cuticles of the hair. Also, for me, it 'sits' but softens which is a good thing.

I guess the whole "sitting" feeling can also depend on the amount/ ratio used. At the moment I'm using Kids Organics Shea Butter and that works really well.
shea butter is the best for my hair. i use it mixed with oils and on its own. what i do is first use a water based leave in like kbb hair milk. then i will top it off with unrefined shea butter and my hair will stay so soft for 2 days without further moisture. i moisturize daily because i choose to but with shea butter i really dont have too.
ive also learned that not all shea butter is the same. i use to use this unrefined shea butter that sat on top of my relaxed hair and my natural hair. the shea butter was creamy to the touch so i thought "it cant be the shea butter, it must be my hair".
then on a whim i purchased another brand of unrefined shea butter and i have been in love ever since. my hair absorbs it and its very moisturizing. im a natural 3c 4a if that helps. and my strands are very fine.
I believe shea butter is the best thing you can use on your hair. It has penetrating properties b/c it is rich in fatty acids. Any product that is rich in fatty acids can more readily penetrate the hair, including mango butter (yes, I did research). There is a special technique to using shea butter and otehr butters-- and I think this may be one reason people have problems with it. Its not like grease where u just slap it on your head. You have to take a small dab and melt it into your hands first-- until there is a light, clear, glistening film on your hand...then apply to hair.

I have some pure mango butter-- but it is too thick. Although you can melt it down in your hands like the shea butter, it is still grainy. With that said, I mix my mango butter w/other stuff (like coconut oil/etc). See this link if you want to read about other penetrating moisturizers:

scroll halfway down to the section on oils and butters
Shea butter is heavy/greasy, but it softened my hair well. Just use it sparingly if you're worried about it being greasy.
I believe shea butter is the best thing you can use on your hair. It has penetrating properties b/c it is rich in fatty acids. Any product that is rich in fatty acids can more readily penetrate the hair, including mango butter (yes, I did research). There is a special technique to using shea butter and otehr butters-- and I think this may be one reason people have problems with it. Its not like grease where u just slap it on your head. You have to take a small dab and melt it into your hands first-- until there is a light, clear, glistening film on your hand...then apply to hair.

I have some pure mango butter-- but it is too thick. Although you can melt it down in your hands like the shea butter, it is still grainy. With that said, I mix my mango butter w/other stuff (like coconut oil/etc). See this link if you want to read about other penetrating moisturizers:

scroll halfway down to the section on oils and butters

I wanted to "thank you" for this info, but the button is MIA :lachen:

I use just started using shea butter (unrefined) and find it kinda thick but I'm going to make sure I melt it in my hands now, and maybe try mixing it with EVCO. I like how the shea makes my hair feel really soft and when I co-wash/ rinse it out I have less frizz
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I used to think shea butter "sits" on my hair too until I realized that I was just using too much. Check out Rustic Beauty's youtube videos to see how shea butter works on natural hair.