She was soooo "Stink"! (Long)


She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Hi guys,
I just am blowing off a little steam...
Today I was at a nice department store and noticed how the look of the Fashion Fair cosmetics have changed. I decided to have a look. There was no one behind the counter where I was standing so I walked over to two sales persons who were casually chatting with each other at another counter. I asked if there was someone around who could help me with the FF line. A woman with the most shiny, healthy, relaxed brastrap length hair I had ever seen turned around and told me that they didn't work for that line. So I said "Yes, I know (they were wearing smocks of another line). Is the FF person around and if not can I get some help anyway"?
You would have thought that I had ask her for half of the gum in her mouth! She sighed, rolled her eyes slightly and shuffled her way to the FF counter. Trying to not lose my cool and giving the girl the benefit of the doubt (she may have just gotten some bad news or something) I decide to take the "high road" and compliment her on her beautiful hair. I figured I might be able to soften her funky attitude by saying something nice. "Your hair is lovely and so healthy looking... Do you do anything special to maintain it"?

Do you know what this chic had the nerve to say to me?
":::big sigh::: You know, long hair isn't for everybody. Even if you used the same products I do, It wouldn't guarantee that your hair would look like this"! (I hadn't even said anything about the length).

I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Her blatant rudeness after I had just paid this *itch a compliment just floored me. I guess I am just spoiled by the graciousness and sharing that goes on at this forum. We have some beautiful heads of hair here and people have shared their tips and helped each other so freely. After what I experienced today, I appreciate that all the more. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Oooooh I can't believe that. I probably would have said something very stank right back. I can't stand when people are like that.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Geez. She was just plain ole rude! Yeah, you would have thought a compliment about her hair would have made her a little pleasant. I love sharing hair care tips when people ask me questions or just want advice. It's a shame some people have to be like that.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Damn /images/graemlins/blush.gif....Girl you should get a medal for your cool head, I don't know what i would do had she been so rude to me. People can be so awful which really makes you appreciate this board as you said.

BTW. I was wondering if you were from the caribbean because what drew me to the post was your phrase "She was so stink" lol which a lot of caribbean ppl often used...i've never heard it used by americans but correct me if i'm wrong lol
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Rude. Period. Funny because after complimenting her she still didn't soften-up. Does not surprise me though. I have seen some really scandalous sales-girls, who for some reason (because they are WORKING, no shopping) think they're better. I have also seen long-haired girls (even with weaves) toss their manes and think they are superior. I find that funny because I know how hard I work my my hair, and I am too nervous/anxious about if breaking off to fee "superior"

No, my family is not from the caribbean. I don't know where I first heard that "Stink" expression. I do think it is funny though. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

How RUDE!!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif I don't know that I could have stayed calm. You are to be commended for keeping your cool. You showed real class. She proved that she should stay home the next time she is suffering from pms, or whatever else had her acting in such a nasty way! /images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

I notice that a lot of women who work at makeup and beauty counters, for some reason, have the snottiest attitudes! I don't know if you're in NY, but here they're the worst. And you went extra lengths to take the high ground, too!! It's like hello - I'm the one shopping here, not you, so get with the program.

You should have told that ho 'I'm real sorry your modeling/acting/whatever career hasn't panned out yet, but don't take it out on me'. Then point out that your pocketbook, watch (you get the idea) probably costs more than what she makes in a month.

I'm not one for trying to make people feel lower than the curb, regardless of what they do or how much they make, but she went there first . . .
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

I can't believe that woman (itch-bay) was so rude to you, especially after you complimented her hair. If only more women were like the ladies here on this board.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

You're a good one. Had that been me, I would have checked her attititude. It's a shame you have to be like that with some people, but I think they need for you to snap on them so that maybe they'll think twice before doing it again.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

I probally would have said something rude to her back.But you did the right thing and walked away. Your a bigger person than that to comment to something that dumb. People are so rude at times.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

Ooooh Lawd girl, I have to commend you on your calm persona. Had that been I know a few words that begin with F would have been reciprocated.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

See, it's women like that that give black women with long hair a bad rep! You definitely were the bigger person for not getting checking her a*! cause I know I would have! What the F does she mean "long hair is not for everybody"? Puleeze!
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

I think you may have caught her by suprise. That was probably a fusion weave, you know the ones that look like your natural hair. And she was trippin cause she knows underneath it all her bald headed self will never have hair like yours. Trust was a defense mechanism on her part.

You know, It's funny because I never even mentioned the length of her hair. She was just trippin'.

Yeah, I am proud of myself for not jumping in her tail.
I guess all the meditation I've been doing is paying off!
"peace and love"..."peace and love"... LOL

Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

I wouldn't know a fusion weave if I saw one, but her hair was just beautiful.
Shiny, smooth, with moist looking ends and just generally very healthy looking.

Wow... Now you have me wondering if her hair was even real. I think it was though. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

i've gotten into the habit of asking for the person's manager whenever someone is rude to me. you will be amazed at the results you will get. besides, if you do not make the manager aware of their employee's attitude, then it will go unchecked. just look at it as a way of helping her become the best employee that she can be /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

She must have thought you meant that you suspected her hair was fake, so she made a slant comment she believed would prove it IS her real hair. --In the end, she was being smug and tactless. A cheery answer would have proved the same fact.

Meanness is like a disease. It spreads easily, and when you catch it you're so appalled at the fact that you didn't deserve it, all you can react with is anger, passing it on to someone else. Try to go easy on that silly goose; kill meanness where it stands.
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

It's good you kept your cool. My hair is mid-back and i never act like that. People like her make me so /images/graemlins/mad.gif. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: She was soooo \"Stink\"! (Long)

MAN! I am so eager to share with other women what works for me and my hair! Girl, if I were you, I'd go back in there with my hair in a bun and tell her that your hair is actually ALOT longer than hers and you were just offering her a compliment and wanted to see how similar your routines were or something like that to crack her snotty face!