She thought that my PUFF was FAKE


Active Member
One of my co-workers, who is also natural, thought that my PUFF was fake :look::nono:. We had not seen one another since my BC. (Been out of the office on vacation all month). That made me feel good...well least it let me know that I have an "okay" puff. I used to wear a phony puff for about a month or so. It feels so good to rock my own "real puff!
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I get this alot too, especially since my puff is big. People just assume its weeve. I even had to check my SO one day:ohwell:
Hey I want to see a picture of the puffs!

Sure, this is from a couple of weeks ago:
I once had someone ask how long it took me to grow out my hair when I had my phony puff. I was only 3 months into my transition. :sekret:

Your puff is very cute.
I love your puff! Congrats on having it mistaken for fake, definitly a compliment. At least I have decided to take it as a compliment since people have been telling me at work that they thought mine was a fake.

Someone even told me she thought I was just trying to go for the "ethnic" look :/
Cute puff!
Once my sister asked me the same thing and I was like, who wears phony kinky puffs.
Little did I know that you could actually buy fake puffs. :lachen:
When I was natural, I had people thinking my hair was fake too. That let me know my hair was looking too good.
I love your puff! Congrats on having it mistaken for fake, definitly a compliment. At least I have decided to take it as a compliment since people have been telling me at work that they thought mine was a fake.

Someone even told me she thought I was just trying to go for the "ethnic" look :/

What does she mean you are trying to go for an ethnic look? People sometimes dont know what to say.
I love your puff! Congrats on having it mistaken for fake, definitly a compliment. At least I have decided to take it as a compliment since people have been telling me at work that they thought mine was a fake.

Someone even told me she thought I was just trying to go for the "ethnic" look :/


Was it just the "fake hair" or did the "spray-on tan" clue her in? Some people can say some stuff that just makes you go, "Really? Did you just say that?"
Thanks for the compliments ladies. Before I BC'd I was worried it was gonna be to short for a puff :look:

I am learning so much from you ladies, I look forward to learning more and even one day having good advice to give to the future newbies. You ladies have some of the most bautiful hair that I have...I am trying to get there with you! :yep::lick: