She should have known better....Tell us your story


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I just want to say I am not one to criticize at all.
I believe to each is own. And think of myself as a decent perosn. But sometimes you just witness things that make you want to say
"She Should Have Known Better"

My local gym is just going nuts. Lately I have been seeing some strange things. Now this happened some time ago, but I had to tell the story again. I saw a young women come into the gym. She looked as if she was ready to tackle the world.
In her arms she held her pride and joy, a little girl about two years of age. And on the head of that innocent child laid about 200 cornrows intertwined with a .......ummmm.....let's say, how can I describe it. Intertwined with Kool-Aid Purple extentions. But that's not all. On each braid there were about 30 sparkling colored beads. So many colors that a box of Crayola would have been put to shame.
I thought it all to be a mirage. I had been jogging for about an hour...faint and tired. No way! Then it happened again....... as her friend/associate came in with another little child about five. She too embraced about 200 cornrows. This time with Blue Blueberry extentions cascading down her back. And the same rainbow colored beads that dangled from her sister's hair. Oh No! My eyes do not decieve me?

I hope I haven't offended anyone. I just had to share this one again.

4a natural
medium texture
growing like crazy
uh, uh, hum...child abuse.
These babies seem sort of young to have those different color extensions in their hair, but what can you say?
That is just too much for a child's scalp. Little girls should be able to play without a bunch of beads & extensions weighing them down. However...! When I was a kid, I loved having colored beads, braid extensions, & those ball-ball things in my hair. My favorite was having about 6 or 8 ponytails with the balls & barrettes. Some little girls just love that stuff, but I guess the parents do have to draw the line somewhere.