She Sabotaged My Efforts


New Member
Two weeks ago I went to get a touch up after waiting 11 weeks. My hairdresser was booked for the day and I was going out of town the next day so she recommended another hair dresser that worked at the salon. I was kind of anxious about letting someone else do my hair but at the same time I was desperate so I made an appointment with the other hair dresser. Based on her appearance I got even more nervous, she didn't look as professional as my hairdresser usually look but still I decided to let her do my hair. I told her I wanted to try Mizani this time (I usually use dudley's) and she said ok.

As she proceeded I got more comfortable with her. First of all she brought out the tub of Mizani relaxer so I was sure she was using what I asked for. She based my scalp better than my hairdresser and she also used a protecter on the rest of my hair, my hairdresser never does that. Aside from the base and the protecter, and some foam lotion she used at the end everything else that she used was from mizani. She did a good job relaxing, and after she smoothed it she set a timer for 10 more minutes and rinsed the relaxer out as soon as time was up. My hairdresser just let you sit there until it takes or until you tell her it's burning. She rinsed the relaxer out, applied the hydraphuse conditioner (not sure if she mixed it with keraphuse) then she sat me under the dryer for about 15-20 minutes, then she rinsed out the conditioner and shampooed with the neutralizing shampoo. She didn't use any rinse out conditioner after the shampoo though, just leave ins. I liked the fact that she conditioned right after the relaxer.

Here is the bad part. She tells me that my ends need clipping and asked me if she could clip. I like a dumb fool gave her permission. I knew my ends were damaged and it has been almost three months since my last trim so I figured I needed one. I made sure to enforce that I only wanted a trim cause I got my hair cut in december. Well, she had me turned away from the mirror while she "trimmed" my hair and by the time she turned me back around and I saw what she was doing it was way too late. I was screaming on the inside cause she was taking inches off my hair. I've been so upset about this that I'm just now able to write about it. I had so much newgrowths in the last three months, especially since I've been using the capilong. I was so looking foward to the new length and to give you ladies an update on the capilong but now my hair is only maybe half an inch longer than when I got it cut in december.

I went back to the salon the next morning to buy products and ran into my regular hairdresser and she was talking about my how nice my hair looked and she said "You got it cut too." I explained to her what happened and she said she felt bad that she forgot to warn me. She knew this lady had a reputation for cutting instead of trimming and that's why she didn't have a lot of clients. Thanks for the late warning. Anyway just wanted to vent thanks for listening.
This is horrible. Stylists are too scissor happy. I have decided never to let someone that I have never gone to before trim my hair. I want to see them trim someone else's hair first.

One time I went to a stylist about 3 times. The first time I told her she couldn't trim my hair. The second time she did spiral curls and I loved my hair. The third time, she snuck and trimmed my hair right before she would curl the strand. She turned me away from the mirror, and I didn't even realize it until she had gotten to the top part of my hair. I was SOOOOOOOOOO upset. I decided not to go back because she was deceptive about snipping my ends. Did she think I wouldn't notice after I went home and looked in the mirror? I know my hair!

I would try to learn how to trim myself if I were you.

Do any of the ladies have any good trimming tips.

(I need them too.)

If hair only grows 0.5" per month and they trim 0.5" or more - then that equals NO NEW LENGTH!

Stylists make me very angry with their trimming techniques.

Try not to worry, it'll grow back.
That's good that the new stylist did a good job relaxing and conditioning your hair. Don't get too upset over her cutting your hair. Healthy-looking hair is way more important than having long hair. This forum isn't JUST about showing how long your hair has's also about health. So now, you can have a fresh new start with your hair. So you can show us pics of your hair with this new cut. Hope that makes you feel better. :)
I would be furious. Here is what I have done when that happened to me: Stop going to those hairstylists. Also, really think about taking charge of your hair by a) Trimming your hair by yourself and b) Following preventatitve measures -- i.e. dont use things, like flat irons, blowdryers and even the regular use of heated bonnet dryers, that will give you split ends. Use protective styles and the baggie method. Deep condition your hair a lot. My hair is deep conditioned twice a week and I try to give myself overnight coconut oil/olive oil treatments. This has minimized split ends.

I've just decided that hairdressers can't be trusted scissors! Also, I would recommend reading Cathy Howse's books. She is a big advocate AGAINST trimming.
tlmack said:
I would try to learn how to trim myself if I were you.

Do any of the ladies have any good trimming tips.

Do a search. I asked about this and I know that this has been discussed. A lot of women on this board trim their own hair. I think Carlie does and her hair is gawgeous. Also, if you follow a lot of the preventative measures that are used on this board, no-heat, protective styling, etc, you will find that your need for trims will diminish. This has been my experience since joining this board. :yep:
Having been the victim of stylist sabatoge I can understand your frustration. The up side is that you now have a fresh start, even if you didn't ask for one. The good thing about hair is that it does grow back and it will grow back.

I would take pics now so you can see your progress when you start to get frustrated. Make this a learning experience, always ask them to face you towards the mirror when getting a trim and ask them to show you how much they intend to trim before they begin.

Hope this helps! :)
Well darn. You should speak up when someone is doing your hair. And be specific as possible. If they want to throw a fit, then leave the chair.
I'm a cosmetology student, and I'm ALWAYS very mindful of not taking off too much hair during a trim. If my client really needs two inches taken off, I prefer to take off 1/4 -1/2 inch progressively, over the next few appointments. Before I begin trimming, I use my all-purpose comb which has measurements on it, to show her how much I plan to take off and ask her if that's okay. Having been on the other side of the chair as a customer getting too much hair trimmed off is something I'll never forget and my customers benefit from this. Not all stylists are scissor-happy, but it can be difficult to find one who isn't. Some of them may be envious of your length. Also, it is much easier to style hair that has no split ends and is even in length. At the same time, I often see many long-haired women with extremely raggedy ends who are deathly afraid to let go of ANY of it, even when it behooves them to do so.
I have been through that horror many times! I most recently had a stylist "cut" my hair when I specifically told her a "light trim". After she finished she said "I took a lot off--but now it is workable hair." That was in early December--I found and joined LHCF in January. My hair is looking better than ever----no stylists--no scissors!
Don't feel too bad. You did your best, got a recommendation from your hairdresser, were clear with your requests, etc. The hairdresser's just a scissor happy blankity blank. I'm glad you did gain half an inch from your last cut though. Things could have turned out much worse. From reading so many posts I've noticed that bad things happen after they say, "She turned me away from the mirror and I couldn't see what she was doing..." There are lots of sneaky people out there. Good luck and stay focussed and positive.:Rose:

Btw, I'm sure your hair is still really pretty.:)
hopeful said:
From reading so many posts I've noticed that bad things happen after they say, "She turned me away from the mirror and I couldn't see what she was doing..." There are lots of sneaky people out there. Good luck and stay focussed and positive.:Rose: :)

This is so true. My last bad relaxer experience, this is what happened. I will try to remember to NEVER be turned away from the mirror. I also noticed that the stylist put you at ease. My last bad experience the stylist put me at ease, turned me away from the mirror and then began to burn my scalp with the relaxer :eek: Suffice it to say I will NOT Be going back there again.
Sorry about what happend to you.

I know it's difficult, but try to remember that it could have been far worse. A least she got the chemical application right and there is no permanent damage to your hair...although it's shorter than you want, it will grow back.

Good Luck to you...
i hate scissor happy stylists! ugh.. i mean, how hard is it to just do as your told and just that! dont be tryna do your own things in people's head. that is so wrong. i finally found a good stylist that i'm comfortable with, and trust and she even shows me how much she's going to take off before she cuts it b/c she knows how i am.
It'll be ok, Crazyabouthair.

Something similar happened to me last fall. My (read: former) stylist trimmed my hair three times in an eight week period. The third time I told her not to trim my hair and she said it needed it and trimmed it anyway. I was so upset. I decided to use it as a fresh start and went into braids. While I was in braids I found this site. I was determined to do my own hair as much as I could. My hair has grown back since then. Don't worry. Yours will too! :kiss:
I am truly sorry crazy. My last touch up was in Dec and I am 12wks post touch up. My stylist always show me how much she is taking off but the last time she didn't. I will be getting a touch up in 4 wks but she will not be doing anymore trims. I went to Sally's and bought a pair of scissors and trimmed it myself. :)
Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I'm not apposed to trimming my hair. I like the look of even, healthy hair, but I know I didn't need all that cut off since I had just gotten a cut in december. My regular stylist knows the difference between cutting and trimming. When she trims I barely notice the difference, plus she knows I'm trying to grow back my hair so she's the only one I'll allow to trim my hair from now on. I've since ordered two more bottles of capilong, I'm already feeling some newgrowths so that is keeping my spirits up.
wow sounded like everything was going well
sorry she cut instead of trimmed your hair
i am so leery of letting anyone "trim" me its
on the verge of pure paranoia.

keep up with the capilong sounds like it was
working for you i'm sure you will be back on track
if she only cut off an extra inch maybe she only
set you back a few months maybe you can catch
up in the summer growing season!!!! stay positive
balisi said:
At the same time, I often see many long-haired women with extremely raggedy ends who are deathly afraid to let go of ANY of it, even when it behooves them to do so.

Yup. That was me at my last salon touch up. I'll rollerset my hair later this week and go to Supercuts for a quick snip. Enough denial.
tryn2growmyhair said:
Do a search. I asked about this and I know that this has been discussed. A lot of women on this board trim their own hair. I think Carlie does and her hair is gawgeous. Also, if you follow a lot of the preventative measures that are used on this board, no-heat, protective styling, etc, you will find that your need for trims will diminish. This has been my experience since joining this board. :yep:

ITA. :up: I was really nervous for the first time trimming my hair. So Carlie gave me the hook-up on the "Trimming Your Own Hair" technique. It had great results. :yay: From now on I trim my own ends. You go Carlie. :grin: