She liked my natural hair!


Well-Known Member
I had an appt today with my midwife for my reg prenatal checkup. I was lying on the table in the exam room waiting for her to come in. When she came in she greeted me as usual and came closer to look at my hair. She was just in total awe......:lachen::grin: The front half of my hair was in twistout bangs- really fully and spirally ( I felt like I was from the 80s lol) and the back I had in a phony pony which kinda mimicked my texture.

"Wow, that is so beautiful!" she gushes in her British accent (which I love btw... I love all accents) "How did they do it? Did you get a perm?"

"No," I said, thinking she was talking about my ponytail. "This part is not my hair and this," I said, touching my twistout bangs, "is my actual hair."

"But how did you get it like that?" she asked. I explained to her that I just twisted them and then untwisted them. She was like :blush: but gave me another compliment on my hair.

What makes this even more funny to me is that she touched my hair, pulling at the curls and I didn't get bothered by it. I guess it depends on the way someone approaches you and does it b/c I have a friend that grates on my nerves when she touches my hair! :lachen:

Just wanted to share!