She is very pretty.

She has the same name as my sister, except spelled with a "K". Her hair, skin and teeth were beautiful. C Key's skin and teeth are pretty too. I do know that I had longer, thicker hair, when I used unorthodox HHP. But in my case, I have to wonder if my age and hormones are playing a factor with my hair now.
She does have beautiful hair. Nevertheless, she appears to be a unicorn among black women, like Sista Whith Real Hair, who can abuse the heck out of her hair without any long term consequences. Eventually, people like this just get annoying to watch.
Don't stone me, but when I was younger I would rarely wash my hair if I was wearing braids. I once went 3 months without washing my hair:hide: I have also double relaxed my hair with super strength relaxers back to back. My thick hair was once the bane of my existence. I did everything to make it appear thinner, which is crazy because now I embrace the thickness and would not mind if it thickened up more.

I don't use many of the products recommended on this board. I mainly use oils and Asian hair care products because shipping all of the stuff where I live would be crazy. I go through crazy amounts of condish and deep condish.

I say all of this to say do what works for you. I am and I adore my results.
So... What were we supposed to take from this interview? lol. They should have made this a slideshow video.

She is pretty though. I like her facial expressions.
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Don't feel bad girl. I've grown my hair out on water, Suave, ayurveda powders and oil. It's all about finding what works for you.

About the OP, get it girl! I love seeing Black women with pretty, healthy hair. Whether with chemicals or not, long or short - I love it!
Her hair is gorgeous! Oh and Btw.....I'm officially hating on how she is able to get away with SO MUCH and yet still have BC ("butt crack") length hair to show for it.

If I tried half the stuff she did, I would be "BH"(BH=Bald Headed) instead of "BC". :look:

She does have beautiful hair. Nevertheless, she appears to be a unicorn among black women, like Sista Whith Real Hair, who can abuse the heck out of her hair without any long term consequences. Eventually, people like this just get annoying to watch.

But you know something, less is more. Simple, non-complex regimens just work. Her regimen is super simplistic and most of the popular hair gurus like LynnieB, EmpressRi, Longhairdontcare, Blessedmomof3 all have super low key regimens. I adopted sealing my hair with Vaseline back in 2010 when I was struggling to get past BSB and my hair is now about WL and should be pushing WHIP length by my birthday. I wash and DC my hair weekly or every two weeks, moisturize with curl activator gel & seal with Vaseline, put it into braids, and wear my wig. I mist it daily with braid spray for added moisture.Sometimes I even use wig glue (be sure to use alcohol and a bit of oil to loosen the hold).

When I used a super complicated regimen, I could barely grow my hair past APL. Sometimes you just have to return to the basics
But you know something, less is more. Simple, non-complex regimens just work.

When I used a super complicated regimen, I could barely grow my hair past APL. Sometimes you just have to return to the basics

You are totally right on this. When I simplified my regimen to the four products (shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer and oil) that I found worked for me, my hair flourished. I don't co-wash, pre-poo, baggy or any of the other extra steps that are recommended on these or other sites, and I am doing just fine. For me, it's all about keeping my scalp clean and my hair moisturized, and it will basically do for me (grow) like I do for it. :yep:
Her hair is beautiful, she talking about it going to rough and hair was gorgeous! She looks like she can be Martin Luther's king's daughter, I'm surprised no one said that yet! But yeah I wonder how often does she trim