Shaved head or former ones get in here


New Member
As you may or may not know I shaved my head back in Dec 06.

For those who have done the same thing I have a question, how long did it take for your hair to grow back I mean really grow back? The 14th of this month will be my two month anniversary and my hair is not even half a inch.

I have tried everything:

Weekly shampoo (CON) and deep conditioner (Lekair, honey and soybean oil). (had done this prior)

Daily moisture (Homemade: aloe vera juice,distilled water, olive oil and suave milk and honey conditioner) and oil seal mix in daily and night (Oil mix:Rosemaryoil,peppermintoil, castor oil, coconut oil, and Vit Eo il) I massage my scalp nightly for two min, Sleep on a stain Pillow case

GNC ultra nourish= been on these for three months and no good

Nettle tea= have been drinking this for almost 4 month and no change in general.

Upped my biotin to 3000mg
Added Kelp almost two weeks ago=no real difference

I just recenlty started using WGO and MTG. After the daily moisture mix, I rotate between the two. Then at night I use the oil mix every night.

I would have at least expected a inch a month, maybe I am doing to much or just impatient.

I had been told that my hair would grow back quicker since it was shaved , but I guess not for me and also growth aids just do not work for me. Internal or external aids. I wish it did because for those it does have good growth.

This is upsetting because I thought by now, my hair would be long enough to get braids and really get it growing. I have success with braids.

I want to try Lenzi's request, but I told myself no new products, plus it contains rosemary oil and that is what I have in my oil mix. Not mention the fact that I am scared it may not work. TIA.
1)More water intake-
2) Less fatty foods (diet change)

Once you begian this then you well see differinces :)
I do need to excercise more. Normally I walk and hour and a half a day, but it has been so cold I have not been able to. Next Thurday when I get paid I had plan on buying Turbo jam.

I will try to drink a gallon of water a day, as of right now I run to the bathroom so much. how does one build up the bladder? Or does it come over time?

I have cut out fried foods and just stick to baked. So far I am doing well with the no junk food challenge I set for myself. I stick to just meats like , Chicken and fish. Thanks for the advice
I didn't go bald, but pretty darn close (2- 3 inchs on my head currtenly)

I saw great results with excurseing and stuff.. I would suggest you start running or light jogging because walking is more for 'maintaining" your weight...
I shaved my head in Aug. 2002. At that time I only got about 1/4" per month.

Then I cut my hair to very very low boy cut in May 2006 (less than 1/2"). Now I have about 3"-3.5" growth. I've learned that my hair will grow at it's own pace. So since November, I've been wearing kinky twist and getting on with the rest of my life.

Please don't watch your "hair kettle" boil, you'll only drive yourself crazy and it won't make your hair grow faster than it wants to. Just enjoy it.

However, Hidden_Angel's suggestion on exercising sounds great. I exercise, but don't have a consistent regime.

Wish you the best
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I will have to try the light jogging. the reason I always walked is because I was told running/jogging was bad on the knees. I can not do gym's because I do not go. I had a free three month pass to Bally's and my lazy arse only went once. I would get a treadmill, but for some reason I always get light headed and dizzy once I get off and I drank water and ate light before I would get on.

I do need to stop watching it like a kettle :lol: because I am driving myself crazy!!!
Was never bald, but now im rocking a 2in twa....what helped me in the past was exercising, BIOTIN, and frequent cowashes. I am currently on a high protein diet and challenge, and i feel as though that might make a big impact on the growth of my hair. HTH.
jaded_faerie said:
Was never bald, but now im rocking a 2in twa....what helped me in the past was exercising, BIOTIN, and frequent cowashes. I am currently on a high protein diet and challenge, and i feel as though that might make a big impact on the growth of my hair. HTH.

Yes high protain is a BIG thing for me.. when I was eating baked fished with raw veggs along tith correct juice my body and hair thanked me..
my nails got really long to!
I will try that carrot juice. I eat those baby carrots, but I am sure the juice is more potent.
patience is what you need . it will grow. keep it simple. i shaved my hair off and it is growing. also you have to give a specific product time to work. i usually give a product at the least 3 months to work.
I shaved my head bald back in May of 04. My hair grew in slowly at first it seemed but have you ever heard the expression, watching grass grow? Well thats what I was doing and it seemed to take FOREVER! Just have patience ( I know thats hard) and you will soon see your hair taking off. Also dont pay so much attention to how much its growing b/c it will make it take longer to see the growth. HTH!
Maybe you're using too many different supplements... or not giving your hair enough time to adjust and react to whatever supplement you're trying.
I wore my hair cut pretty low (bout half inch - 1 inch) for about 2 years and just decided to grow it again in Oct 2006. Currently I have about 4 inches of natural growth and I'm wearing them in kinky (twist) braids. I don't do much... just take daily multivitamin, calcium and omega 3 +6 supplements... and ORS olive oil moisturiser... although now I also use a braid sheen by IC.
Like everyone has been saying... you just have to be patient about it... remember what your mother/grandmother used to say: A watched pot never boils!
I had a kojak a few times, a caesar, low cuts, buzz cuts, whatever. It always grows back. What I've noticed is that the older I get, the slower my growth rate.

Take for instance or skin cells. We know that as women age, the rate of cell turnover slows down. When we are young, the skin is rapidly sloughing off, etc. (one of the reasons behind acne, etc.) So, as women get older, they might take steps to speed up the process, etc.

When I was in my teens and twenties. I got more than an inch per month. I'd shave my head one month and a few months later have enough for comb coils or pinch twists. Pretty soon, enough to do two-strands.

Last time I shaved it clean, I realized how my thinner areas had thinned more and how my hair grew more slowly. Sooo...

After 16 years of being natural and taking a straight razor or clippers to my hair on a whim, I said that would be my last.

I don't know your age, but factor that into your growth rate.
Make sure you're not clogging your scalp. There's not as much hair to absorb all the oil and what not that you're putting on it.
And know that shaving your hair has no effect on the growth rate AT ALL.

Well i shaved my hair off back in march...and still shaving (somewhat addicted lol). My hair grows atleast 0.5 inch a month (more if i take vitamins/eat well/drink more water...and less when its cold). I don't due much other than wash it once a week with african pride conditioning shampoo or IC tea clarifying shampoo, and then condition with osmo essence intensive mas, or lekairs cholesterol. Then i spray it with proline sof sheen, however if i condition with lekairs i dont follow up with a leave-in.

ETA: i usually tryand cut my hair weekly/every other week - but i haven't cut it in a long time (like atleast a month)
Don't forget hair grows slower in winter. Hold tight for the summer when your hair should start sprouting. :)
was never completely bald but i cut down to 2" of fro in Sept 05. I just left my hair alone for a good 4 or 5 months. Literally, I'd wash, put in a humectant/moisturizer and that's it. I'd eat well, workout and drink water as usual and leav my hair alone. Growth came naturally. Don't stress it. Just take care of yourself and the hair will come with it.
I forgot the fact that winter may be playing a part in it. Yeah I really do need to be patient. I am going to just keep it simple and leave it alone