Shampoos and Conditioners Expiring


Well-Known Member
When I vacation in the DR, I purchase and stockpile every conditioner under the sun. My sister keeps telling me my shampoos and conditioners will expire. However, I have conditioners that are a few years old that still work great. Has anyone else heard of shampoos and conditioners expiring?

They definitely can go bad, the more natural products go bad quicker because they lack preservatives. I had a huge bottle of natures gate shampoo, I don't shampoo frequently so it eventually got really cloudy and weird looking. I make sure not to buy too much shampoo because it takes me forever to go through a bottle.
I saw some giovanni products on clearance in clear bottles that had turned pink :-|

But some products can last a long time and I think dominican products keep really well because they're far from all natural. Baba de caracol has had a new formula out for about a year, but I kept hitting up the one store I knew had the old version on the shelves and it still works great. I will keep buying it whenever I see it!