Roger & Gallet Oatmilk Shampoo.
Pert's 2-in-1 Bananaberri for Kids.
The first is like washing your hair in milk or cream. The fragrance is extremely mild like milk or cream and the conditioning power is tremendous, while being extremely gentle. It's my choice for the worst of winter weather. Available at a discount at I first tried this shampoo at Barclay and Crocker. The woman told me that she cannot keep it in stock. That is true for just about every place which sells it. It's packed with oat milk, shea milk, olive oil, almond triglycerides, etc. True luxury!
The second is probably one of the cheapest shampoos I have and it's one of the best. It's gentle, rich and keeps the moisture level of my hair in great balance. You should be able to find it at any drugstore or supermarket. It's like washing your hair in a banana-berry smoothie!
Neither one of these coats my hair like the CON and smells so much better. I have to alternate with that CON when I use it and I haven't in quite a long time.