Shampoo with Salt


New Member
"To remove grease and dirt from your hair without wetting it, Cox suggests dry shampooing with kosher salt. Salt absorbs oil, bacteria, and dead skin from your hair and scalp. Lean over a sink or stand in the shower or outdoors and massage 1 tablespoon of coarse salt into your scalp and through your hair. (Use 2 tablespoons for long hair.) Leave it on for at least 15 minutes (you'll need to stay put to avoid getting salt everywhere). To remove the salt, vigorously brush your hair and scalp with a clean, dry natural-bristle brush."

"To remove grease and dirt from your hair without wetting it, Cox suggests dry shampooing with kosher salt. Salt absorbs oil, bacteria, and dead skin from your hair and scalp. Lean over a sink or stand in the shower or outdoors and massage 1 tablespoon of coarse salt into your scalp and through your hair. (Use 2 tablespoons for long hair.) Leave it on for at least 15 minutes (you'll need to stay put to avoid getting salt everywhere). To remove the salt, vigorously brush your hair and scalp with a clean, dry natural-bristle brush."


Auburn thanks for sharing. I tried the Kizzfrizzle once and it worked great. I have never tried salt in my shampoo though.