Shampoo Once???


New Member

i washed my hair sunday with great results agan :grin: however i wanted to know
if i washed my hair just once with shampoo would my hair be even more moisterized

i have read in some threads that some ladies just shampoo once but i always do it twice to make sure my scalp is clean


could i shampoo once and second time use conditioner, then dc

I only shampoo more than once if the suds from the shampoo are dirty. Otherwise I never do two shampoos. Washing my hair twice a week and not using products means my hair and scalp are hardly dirty enough to warrant two poos. If you're not using a moisturizing shampoo, two poos can be drying; otherwise if you need to do two poos and are using a moisturizing poo, then it won't make a difference, IMO.
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My hair has thrived since I started lathering my rots only once (last July). I retain a lot more moisture. For me, even if I was using a moisturizing poo, my hair became too dry when I poo'd rinsed and repeated. The only time I'll poo twice is when I chelate (chelating poo/rinse/moisturizing poo), and that's just because I like to make sure my hair has the right amount of moisture.
I only shampoo once, then I follow with a conditioner (which have mild detergents in them, so if there is any left over dirty, that usually does the trick for me). I almost never shampoo twice.
I do it twice. I have alot of hair and I want to get most of my hair and scalp clean, tho not stripped. I use moisturizing shampoos and I never have problems w/ moisture, but then again I don't seek a certain mushiness.
i just started using condish to wash vo5 clarifying white tea. for the past three weeks no shampoo at all the dryness is completely gone. i will shampoo once a month with paraben, cone,and glycol free shampoo (i like trader joes spa shampoo) i will clarify once a month to get rid of build up.if we wash and co wash so much how dirty can our hair really be? my hair has thrived b/c of this cant wait to get my hands on that wen fig cleansing conditioner
I've always only shampooed once. The only time I'll do it twice is if my scalp fails the scratch test.