Shampoo + Conditioner Combo??


New Member
Hello everyone - I guess the success of HEs Long Term Relationship inspired Pantene to create their own version "Beautiful Lengths".

However, they also have a Shampoo + Conditioner combo (guess everyone does) and my question becomes...

"Is using a shampoo/conditioner combo less harsh than shampoo alone"? I would still follow up with my usual deep conditioner treatment, but I like lather feeling I get when I shampoo once a month to remove build up.

Just wondered because I know some recommended diluting shampoo and I've seen a few posts that add a little poo to the conditioner for that reason.

What are your thoughts? Inquiring minds want to know :grin:
Pantene is such a trip. I saw the "new" Beautiful Lengths line, read the ingredients only to discover it contains the same ingredients as their other 50-11 lines.:spinning::lol:

With that being said, Pantene's 2 in 1 shampoos contain a high amount of sulfates. To some individuals such as I, these sulfates can be very drying. I say try it if you want to and see how your hair reacts.:yep:

But just knowing what I know about product ingredients (w/o trying the products myself), 2 in 1 shampoos rarely differ from regular shampoos. It's all in the marketing. Some may throw an extra cone or 2 in there to increase the effects of "moisture."
ahhh - the ol' "peanut in the shell" trick.

That stinks..I thought surely it would contain less sulfates if no other ingredients are added.

Guess I'll just stick w/the con wash and shampoo once a month.

Thanks for your response :yep: