Shamboosies Hair Book

I have it. I liked it. For those of us that have a hair hobby, it's a good shelf reference if nothing else.
I havent read the whole thing, but from what I gathered his whole philosophy is basically to use only lye relaxers and he really pushes Nexxus products. Like I said, I didnt finish the book because I found this board and havent looked back. A lot of people do like the book, though.
The book is okay, but there's a lot of repitition and annoying anecdotes included (I blame the editor for that.) It does have some good advice though, but I think you'll find much more useful information on this site.

He offers a lot of Nexxus and Dudley Q's product suggestions (I found that off-putting), but I urge you to find your own. For example, Humectress can be a good conditioner, but certainly not the be all-end all miracle product he claims it to be. There are other equally good and superior conditioners out there.

HTH! :)
I read it and it's a good book to read and his book is what got me started on the journey to healthy hair care.. I really don't care for the products he swear by but I do like the fact that he mention conditioners are the best thing for your hair.. I take the advice he gives but I use my staple products to achieve my goals...
I was wondering has anyone ever read the guide to beautiful black hair by shamboosie? Did anyone find this book heplful?

I thank this book for starting me on my hair journey!:yep: The book convinced me to switch to lye relaxers and deep condition my hair. Without it, I would have never found this site!:grin:
Did the book mention this site, you mean?

Oh no:blush:, I'm sorry if that's how it came across foxxy!! What I meant was that without the book, I would never have gained a great interest in self-care. I would have never began researching hair care throught books and through the internet. Therefore I would have not discovered this site without reading that book. Actual hair care was not a big deal to me back in the day. I wore alot of glued in weaves, used heat almost daily and relaxed every 2-4 weeks before my sister lent me that book:nono:.
I read it after I started my hair journey and was already using Nexxus products. It's a good book but he does stress getting hair relaxed by a stylist rather than doing it yourself--not surprising since he is a stylist. I prefer relaxing my own hair.
Yeah I agree, I'm reading the book now and it has some very good tips. After reading this book and help from this site I'll be at shoulder length in no time.
I read it about 5 years ago. His tips are helpful for relaxed hair. He's the reason I started using the Nexxus products. I switched from the Botanoil to Therappe though because one of my gfs recommended it to me. I didn't like the Dudley's Creme Press though.