Shamboosie or Cathy Howse book?


New Member
I would like to know which book I can buy best if I want to know more of haircare. I ve made a search and I see that a lot of people claim there is nothing special in both books that's not discussed on the forum yet. Is it worth buying one of the books?
My mother has very fine hair, but it looks really hard and tough. She has NEVER been able to get a relaxer w/o it falling out. The last time she went to my dominican stylist, years ago, her hair fell out around the edges and wouldn't grow back for anything.

She bought the shamboosie book and her hair is starting to grow back in the spots that she never thought that she'd see hair.
The bad thing is now she thinks she's an expert

She preaches to the choir by telling me things that I'd been telling her for years. For instance, she goes on and on and on about how the hair needs moisture. But, she's really happy with the book.
I have them both and neither are worth anything. Do a search on here on Shamboosie and Cathy Howse and you will see. I think there are even excerpts from both books on here as well as reviews from different members. There is more valuable information on the board.
I think BOTH books are worth getting. Cathy's is a simple account of good hair care practices. Shamboosie gives you a stylist's expertise (albeit with some old school views about heat use, and such) with some helpful science, and some great maintenance and coloring info.

Both are a good investment into taking your haircare seriously.

I think you can even buy the books through this site if you want to!

I highly recommend them both.
I recently read Shamboosie's book and he does tell you how to use the Dudley's and Nexxus products effectively. I haven't read Cathy Howse yet.
I bought Shamboosie's book...and a lot of his advice got my hair back on track. I didn't try the Dudley he suggested but I did get some Nexxus and it helped turn my hair around. I didn't take every bit of advice but a lot of it. Once I started loving how my hair was changing for the better, then I went on a hunt for more information about hair care. Actually, that is how I found LHCF..just searching..thirsty for more knowledge of how to take better care of my hair. So, overall I really did enjoy his book!!
I have them both. They were good additions to my hair care library and I refer to them often.

I have them both. They are written from different points of view. I find Cathy's book more informative and closer to what I am trying to do woth my hair.
both are good books. shamboosie gives a lot more details to a general hair care and recommends products. howse gives her advice on what works for her to grow and maintain her hair. i still refer to both books.
Thank you all for your answers.
I will try to get my hands on the book of Shamboosie but should I expect a lot of new things to learn from this book?
I borrowed the Shamboosie book from the library and it was very informative for those that has relaxed hair. I can't speak on Howse book but it's pretty much same deal.
not cathy howse, imo, her book is a self touting mechanism of selling her own products. after everything she tells you to do for your hair , she mentions that her own products are the best thing out there (except shampoo).

im not impressed with her hair growth either. most of what she says in her book you can find right here.

but if you want to buy it, go to amazon and buy one for 3 bucks like i did

i havent read shamboosie
I haven't read Howse, but I did read Shamboosie, I was VERY impressed with what he had to say, it was very detailed, informative and humorous. He recommended products to use that no other book does, I did have 1 minor problem, when he referred to using edible foods on hair as worthless (my own word) I beg to differ. However the book IMO was on point from a technical standpoint.
I am currently reading Textured Tresses also. This book is really good especially if you are natural or transitioning.
I like Textured Tresses, too.
But my favorite hair book is still "The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful, Healthier Hair in 6 Weeks" by Carolyn Gray.

But if I had to choose between Howse and Shamboosie I would probably pick Shamboosie. His book is more detailed. The only thing I didn't like was that Shamboosie is a little too enthusiastic about Nexxus, Dudley and heat styling, IMO. But if those products don't work for you, you can always use something else.
And ditch the heat.
Could someone give me a brief summary of the "Texturized Tresses" Book and tell me what the significant steps or tidbits are? Thank you for replying to this post. Bonjour
I bought Textured Tresses & found it to be way "skimpy" on useful information: lots of nice natural photos, a few style techniques were detailed but too much space-wasting "celebrity tidbits" for my taste...a few paragraphs touted the benefits of "Asian Steam baths" for superior deep conditioning, but not much else. (and all the product recommendations seem to be for ultra pricey products!) Try your local library. They'll have most of the books mentioned so far (I've found them all here in L.A. except for Cathy Howse.) I'm a natural so perhaps I have a different perspective regarding what's useful but I'd say Lonnice Bonner's 2 books, Pamela Ferrel's "Let's Talk Hair", or Ella Joyce's "KinkPhobia" were much more informative to me IMO of course!.
Funny, I bought Shamboosie's books a while ago and recently pulled it out again. I think he gives some good points. I'm actually trying his Nexxus regimen out now to combat the dryness I've been experiencing lately.