

New Member
Can someone tell and/or give me a visual on the best way to do a sew-in?? I would really love to do one myself b/c I am scared to let anyone put weave in my hair do to a bad experience I had when I was on dance team!
I thought this hair stylist was going to sew some hair in b/c she braided my hair up (she was a sponser so they never told us what they were going to do) then she glued it in! WHen I went to take my hair down, she had glued the hair directly on my braid! I ended up with a wop (salt and pepper do) and a really short section (about an inch)! I eneded up cutting all my hair to the shortest length with it shaved in the back!

So can anyone help a sista out???????????

Does anyone have any directions for a full weave? I want to get a straight hair weave but all I seen are the ones where you have to leave hair out.
Thanks to this thread (which led me to Weaveitup's albums), I am so close to going to the BSS for some weaving hair and supplies and attempting to do my own weave. Especially since today's my wash day and I haven't yet decided how I want to wear my hair this week. If I do weave it and I'm successful, I'll be sure to post pics. Thanks for the tips, Weaveitup! ;)