Sew-in WEAVES: What do you ladies think??

What do you ladies think about sew-in weaves?

  • HATE them! Would never EVER put a weave in my hair!

    Votes: 69 10.9%
  • Love them! They give my hair a break, and it helps my growth.

    Votes: 250 39.4%
  • It depends on how well you take care of your hair while your hair is weaved.

    Votes: 180 28.4%
  • It depends on the stylist who did the weave in the first place.

    Votes: 76 12.0%
  • It depends on how long you plan on wearing the weave.

    Votes: 11 1.7%
  • I don't really care either way. Hair is hair, whether it's your own or not.

    Votes: 48 7.6%

  • Total voters

Can't wait to see pics!

I'm sure you'll be fine--I have fine hair as well.
And yes--when I wash at home or go to the salon for a wash---the weave gets conditioned too--but not a leave in--or if you do--make sure it is VERY light.

Treat it like ur hair--except for moisturizing--you don't want to moisturize it or put oily stuff on it at all---just yours. I usually spray a little glosser--maybe, on the weave when i flat iron it the first time after a wash.

I hope u like your hair!
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Just make sure to keep your hair moisturized and clean underneath. Use coloring bottles (you can get them from sally's). For washing, add shampoo and dilute it with water, squeeze it into the braids and gently agitate so that it gets into the braids, rinse. As for moisture, I use a mixture of s-curl, water, and olive oil and apply it to the braids, I do this every other day. I've been doing my own sew-ins for years and my hair has flourished this way. Also when you take it out, make sure to give your hair a protein treatment and a good deep condition. HTH:)
Thanks, qtslim and RE. I got my sew in today, but the braids are way too tight. I'm hoping that they'll loosen up in the next couple of days; otherwise, this weave is coming out. I decided I didn't want to style my hair at all, so I went with one of those curly ones. It's like a 3/4 weave - the front is two-strand braided in a cute little design and then the rest is all weave. But even them d@mn twists/braids is too tight. I immediately sprayed my hair with Care Free Curl when I got home and am baggying while I sleep in the hopes of it staying moist tonight. I am going to ht the steam room at the gym tomorrow as well and continue to moisturize moisturize moisturize until these braids aren't so tight. Hopefully, the henna and everything else I've been doing has made my hair strong enough to handle this tiny abuse. Next time, I'm gonna go to my regular stylist and have her do my sew in since she at least listens to me when I tell her something is too whatever for my tastes. My friend is nice and all, and she did do it for free (I only had to pay for the hair), but she don't listen when I say I don't like product in my hair (since so much of what kitchenticians who are just dabbling buy is not all that great for the hair), and she really didn't believe me about these tight @ss braids.

The style is cute and I really am looking forward to not having to comb my hair or do much more then wake up and go (I'll be moisturizing every other day and CW once a week) for the next several weeks. I am juss worried that my hair is gonna break from the braid tension.
If you had asked me 2 years ago and before I would have SHOUTED "NEVER!". However, one should never say never. I am one of those people who sticks to my word 100% of the time but I had to backtrack on this one. When I decided to grow my hair out--after doing research--I realized that a sew-in weave would be perfect for me. So I got one done for the FIRST time in my late 30's. Loved it. Luckily I had a great stylist who cared about my hair and knew how to put a weave in. I had the help of some great ladies on another haircare board and learned about maintaining in between salon visits. I had it taken down every 6 weeks. I kept it in for over a year. My hair grew great and is healthy now that the weave is out.

I'd definitely wear a weave again and plan to do so when I do 12 week stretches annually. Another Key*Buy high quality hair. I did and I believe that is why my first experience with weave was a great one. Otherwise I probably would have had it pulled out after one day if I didn't like it or it was shedding and matting all over the place.
I'm totally on the idea of getting a sew-in weave. I have never had a weave and never thought I would get one. But now, I'm seeing the light. I just didn't know what to expect in the process, care requried etc. I'm glad there were so many responses to this question. Can you tell I'm brand new?
The one and only time I had one I was so paranoid about the wind blowing and showing the tracks that I was on constant alert. IMO a braided style - like cornrows - would be more worry free. You wouldn't even have to travel with hair products - just some braid spray, a scarf, and maybe a baby brush.
Well, now that I have the weave out of my hair, and I have seen the damage that the stylist did to it (taking it out), I won't be getting another weave in my hair ever again. :nono:

Maybe weaves just aren't good for my naturally fine-textured hair. :(

The weave DID look nice however, and people complimented me on it all the time. :yep: I also was glad not to have to comb and brush my own hair. It gave my hair a bit of a break.

But the braids were WAYY too tight (my scalp didn't stop hurting until 3 or 4 weeks! :eek:), and my scalp would ITCH like crazy!!!! :spinning: So...NOPE! No more weaves for me. Sorry... :nono:
Oh, by the way, here are pics of the weave since some of you asked about pictures. :D


^^^ that looks really cute what type of hair did you use i am thinking about getting one for the harsh chicago winter that is coming up
^^^ that looks really cute what type of hair did you use i am thinking about getting one for the harsh chicago winter that is coming up

The brand is Remi. Remi Hair. It's 100% human hair. It's a bit pricey (depending on what length you buy), but it's definitely worth it because it looks natural, and is easy to maintain (washed, conditioned, etc...). Everyone said that it looked like my real hair. :yep:

Hope that helps! :)

BTW...those pics I posted above earlier are pictures of the weave before I asked her to shear off more to make it look less full. A day later I asked her to cut the hair diagonally to make it look more natural because nobody's hair is really thick from root to tip. So....after it looked even MORE natural. I'll post those pics here sometime soon if I haven't already put them in my fotki album.
Great info ladies!!

Question... Has anyone ever MTG'd or BT'd while wearing a sew-in? Just aksing because I would like to do this to attain optimum growth but I fear it would be too greasy :perplexed.

Advice would be appreciated.
Great info ladies!!

Question... Has anyone ever MTG'd or BT'd while wearing a sew-in? Just aksing because I would like to do this to attain optimum growth but I fear it would be too greasy :perplexed.

Advice would be appreciated.

:yep: I have used MTG while wearing a sew in and braids. I believe MTG gave me allot of growth back in 2006. (I had the weave in about 5 weeks when I used it.) The greasyness was not my problem. It was the smell that got to me. I fell off the MTG bandwagon since 06 (under my sink) but if MTG smelled better I would surely do it again.
Great info ladies!!

Question... Has anyone ever MTG'd or BT'd while wearing a sew-in? Just aksing because I would like to do this to attain optimum growth but I fear it would be too greasy :perplexed.

Advice would be appreciated.

I'm currently using BT right now with my sew in. As long as you're applying to the scalp and not to the hair then you should be fine. I dont have a problem with greasiness and I have in a 10' weave. Oh but do be sure not too use it in excess because then you will have oily pillows and scarves. :nono: Not a good look.
I've got one in right now and I'm taking care of it like never before lol. I'm doing chronic MN mix with some ayurvedic oils.
I love weaves and they have been great as my protective style while growing out my hair. I wore the weaves for almost two years and I now FINALLY have long, luscious, healthy hair with the major help of my stylist. I'm so happy about it and I recommend them.
I think weaves are good for some (as we see here,) but I don't think they are good for everyone. I think you know how your hair will do with a weave if you know how your hair behaves with braids. I used to wear weaves and have my hair braided all the time, but once I began taking care of my hair I realized they thin out my hair even more than it already is (which is not good for me!) So I've decided not to get either one anymore. (And yes, I took care of it, but my hair requires more care than I can provide it with a weave or braids.) Now I just wear LF wigs :grin: But if you think your hair can withstand it, I say go for it!
Yeah, my hair is just too fine-textured for a weave. Plus, my hair is relaxed...regular strength, so I think the weave was just too much added stress on my hair. :( That's why I said that I would most likely never do a sew-in (all over) hair weave ever again.

But some ladies can weave up all the time with no problem and be good. So, I think you have to know your own hair I suppose.

But it did look nice! I'll try and see if I can find some more pics and post them up here of AFTER she sheared the hair again to look more natural.
I currently have a sew in and I specifically requested before the stylist started, that she shouldn't do my cornrows tight. She didn't so I had no headache issues.
I currently have a sew in and I specifically requested before the stylist started, that she shouldn't do my cornrows tight. She didn't so I had no headache issues.

I know! This is what I told my stylist too! I kept asking: "is it supposed to be this tight?" And she was like: "yep!" And after a while, I guess she got tired of me saying that it was tight, so she was like: "trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've been doing weaves for years". :rolleyes: I swear, stylists are the ONLY "service people" that I know that get offended if you tell them how you want something done! IT's MY hair for goodness sakes!

Anyway...I digress.... The tightness of the cornrows weren't really what damaged my hair IMO. It was when she took the weave OUT of my hair that she did the most damage, because instead of gently taking out the cornrows, she just took a rat tail comb and COMBED out the braids instead!!! I'm like: :confused: I didn't realize what she was doing until it was too late. :nono:

So, just make sure you have someone that KNOWS how to put in AND take out a weave. I would have taken the stinking weave out myself if I wasn't too afraid of cutting my own hair in the process. :(
I dont plan on getting another weave. i had good install but i just dont like the feeling of weave on my head
I know! This is what I told my stylist too! I kept asking: "is it supposed to be this tight?" And she was like: "yep!" And after a while, I guess she got tired of me saying that it was tight, so she was like: "trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've been doing weaves for years". :rolleyes: I swear, stylists are the ONLY "service people" that I know that get offended if you tell them how you want something done! IT's MY hair for goodness sakes!

Anyway...I digress.... The tightness of the cornrows weren't really what damaged my hair IMO. It was when she took the weave OUT of my hair that she did the most damage, because instead of gently taking out the cornrows, she just took a rat tail comb and COMBED out the braids instead!!! I'm like: :confused: I didn't realize what she was doing until it was too late. :nono:

So, just make sure you have someone that KNOWS how to put in AND take out a weave. I would have taken the stinking weave out myself if I wasn't too afraid of cutting my own hair in the process. :(
I had a sew in for 3 weeks in september....I took it out myself
Wow!!! :shocked: It looks really good and natural! Gorgeous. Let me know how your hair is when you take it out :).

Oh yeah, it's already been taken out long time ago. If you want to see my hair weave DISASTER, just check out my fotki album. It has all of the pics there. :(

I know my hair will turn around though eventually. My hair is still not the same.... :nono: But eventually it will be.