Sew-in Wearers: How do you mosturize your hair?


Well-Known Member
I just got a 2 tracks put in yesterday and want to make sure that I keep my hair moisturized. I dont usually moisturize my hair, I sometimes put oil on the ends or hollywood beauty carrot oil creme. Since most of my hair is out I'm scared that I wont properly be able to keep my hair moisturized. What do you suggest?

I planned on sectioning it and applying the HB carrot oil creme and then applying a some of the ORS carrot oil on the braids.

Should I mainly focus on the ends like I do with my regular hair?
Some people spray the braids with oil. I just cowash regularly. My hair comes out real soft when I take the weave down. The stylist actually said Oooh your hair is so soft! Last time I went.
I spray braids with moisturizer every single day, to avoid matting I will suggest you to redo your braids every 2 or 3 weeks if you want to apply cream and oil!
I only plan on keeping it in for 3 weeks at a time. I am not gonna wash my hair with the tracks in and 3 weeks is long enough to go w/o washing my hair. I mixed sunsilk defrizz, water and my leave in mix together and will spray it with that. I will also use the HB carrot oil.
I just use African Royale Braid spray and Kemi Oyl. When I used creams I got matting. So now I'm going back to old faithful.