Sew in as a winter protective style


New Member
Hello ladies! Hi, i have been using bunning as a protective style for the past year. Now, i just want to hide my hair and get a sew in for the winter. I am somewhat worried about getting one because im afraid that there could be the possibility that it could do more harm than good. Has anyone had good results using a sew in as a protective style?

Thanks Ladies!
I wore a weave for the majority of this year.

I am a 4B natural. First one was 8 wks, then 10, then 12. So I've experimented with how long my hair can take being hidden. The primary issues are taking care of your hair underneath and preventing matting/tangling. So just be aware of how your hair operates in braids or cornrows.

Ediese has good posts about sew-ins as protective styles. Check out her posts and progress...she has made it to WL.
Lots of people grow their hair long using weaves. Just take care of your hair underneath the weave and you'll be fine. If you have questions about weave styles and buying hair you should go to black hair media - you'll find a lot of info there.
I have used sew-ins as a way to grow my hair. The only problems I had with sew-ins was due to my errors of not detangling or take down properly. As long as you take care of your hair underneath you will be fine.
I've been wearing them almost 2 years give or take with small breaks in between I wore wigs ( 2 months )

I went from a little past shoulder length 12/09 to MBL ( currently ). I haven't had any problems so far with the previous install. I had never had a sew-in using a weave cap ( probably never will again either ).

IMO weave caps makes there be extra and unnecessary pulling on the hairline. When my hair was finished it was fine, but later that night it started feeling too tight, so I cut some of the thread to loosen it.

And to top it off, the girl who sewed my hair in asked me beforehand if she could cut my track...well I didn't know that she meant "split the track" to make the hair lay down flatter. (I'll never do this again either) because it causes shedding galore! And I paid too much for the hair ( Remy ) to have only lasted just a month. I usually can go 2-3 months AND reuse the hair 2 or 3 times.

Sorry for rambling on, but over all...I do like sew-ins because it's an excellent PS for me AND it forces me to stay out of my hair and just let my hair do it's "Thang"....grow ! :)
I Love sew-ins! I currently have my 2nd one in now. I'm transitioning to natural hair and my experience with them has been 100% positive.

I wash, deep condition and flat iron every 2 weeks. I read through hundreds of posts on different forums and finally came up with the best maintenance plan and brand of hair for me. Everything has been smooth sailing and i can see myself continuing to get sew-ins for a long time.