SEVERE tangling when wet


New Member
Does anyone have severe tangling whenever there hair is wet? Can this be due to being underprocessed or what I thought was "texlaxing"? For some reason when my hair is wet it is VERY tangled. I lose so much hair just trying to detangle it. Wet or if it dries tangled. Has/ Is anyone else experienced/ ing this? Also how is it fixed do I need to run the relaxer back through and in the future use a milder relaxer and leave on for more time? Any suggestions are appreciated
Girl I understand. I have verrry thick hair that tangles easily when wet. It helps me to run a WIDE TOOTH comb through my hair in the shower while im letting the conditioner sit for a while. Another key is to handle your hair like it's the most delicate thing in the world. Which can be hard especially if you have long thick hair that gets worse as it dries not to mention your arms being tired as heck! I section hair while still very wet, into 4 or 6 sections. I GENTLY comb each section from the ends up with a super WIDETOOTH comb. And you have to BE PATIENT...when you're not, you just end up ripping hair out your head and breaking it while your combing. Trust me!!! I understand your frustration. Using a detangler while combing your may help too...

I could be wrong, but I don't see how it could be due to relaxing or hair is texturized and from what I understand it tames your hair a bit (It sure does tame mine!!!). BUT I DEFINITELY would not put more relaxer in...that would only add to your problems.

Sometimes too...tangles come from the way you wash your hair. You shouldn't rub you hair all crazy while you're shampooing and conditioning...logically, that only causes knotts, tangles, and matting.

I think the key is just....BE GENTLE and PATIENT!!...while washing and combing out...
I have the exact same problem. Hairmaster PMed me earlier about trying a JOICO pack to aid with the detangling so I'll have to buy some.
I bought Roux Porousity Control, (see sig, blue bottle) which works wonders after I've just relaxed and sometimes can make detangling better but not that much.
I have very thick hair and it seems to bunch up at the roots and for some reason some strands stick together after I get out of the shower.:sad:
What helps me is washing it in braids. I make five braids then cowash or wash and DC. Add more conditioner and comb out one at a time braiding each back up. I find doing it like that makes the tangles easier to get through and faster.:yep:
What helps me is washing it in braids. I make five braids then cowash or wash and DC. Add more conditioner and comb out one at a time braiding each back up. I find doing it like that makes the tangles easier to get through and faster.:yep:

I agree. Did this today and it worked.

A thread identical to this one was up and running Sat. and Sun. and the "wash in braids" method was unanimously given.

Once your hair gets to a certain length some people find it difficult to avoid tangles and mega loss of hair unless they wash in braids.

Good luck.
I have the exact same problem. Hairmaster PMed me earlier about trying a JOICO pack to aid with the detangling so I'll have to buy some.
I bought Roux Porousity Control, (see sig, blue bottle) which works wonders after I've just relaxed and sometimes can make detangling better but not that much.
I have very thick hair and it seems to bunch up at the roots and for some reason some strands stick together after I get out of the shower.:sad:

Lor have mercy girl. Me too! I don't what this sticking together business is about. Is it static? Is it porosity?

I've noticed it especially since I first went straight with my relaxer some months ago. I mean, my hair used to tangle like mad when it was more textured, but it didn't stick together under water like this. It used to be easier for me to comb my hair under the shower, but now I have to wait until I get out and comb in small sections.
  • Part hair in 4 or more sections.
  • Coat the hair with oil or condish while dry. Under heat works well too.
  • Detangle.
  • Shampoo gently, in sections, and do not use too much shampoo.
  • Do not scrunch up, instead use fingertips and then stroke hair downwards.
  • Condition. Then detangle again, in sections, directly under shower head.
  • Use a porosity control product, and products with low pH.
  • Tangled hair is a sign that your hair may be porous and needs to be treated.
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I have the exact same problem. Hairmaster PMed me earlier about trying a JOICO pack to aid with the detangling so I'll have to buy some.
I bought Roux Porousity Control, (see sig, blue bottle) which works wonders after I've just relaxed and sometimes can make detangling better but not that much.
I have very thick hair and it seems to bunch up at the roots and for some reason some strands stick together after I get out of the shower.:sad:

For this problem oil rinsing or putting a coating of oil on top of my deep conditioner as helped a lot. I also do not detangle until my hair is 90% dry. I will take my time and as it is drying detangle with my fingers slowly pulling the stuck strands apart. Once they are apart i than use my wide tooth comb and than my denman.

I have really thick hair.

The only things that worked for me was The Body Shop Honey Moisturizing Conditioner, Stabilizer plus, and my shower comb followed by my denman brush.

I had to make sure I always set more than enough time to detangle and took small sections. I start at the ends of the hair and work my way up.
Spider web roots central here! Finally found the solution with the Nunaat curly hair treatment, poo, con, leave in. I also now use Alter ego products so it could be the alternating usage...either way the web is gone. I had a tangled matrix of hair which was frustrating and a hair breaker...coconut oil helps too.
The only time my hair is not real tangled when wet is when I have a fresh relaxer. My hair detangles easily with the Jojoba Conditioner and oils I use and also with a detangler comb which is nothing but a wide tooth comb.
I agree. Did this today and it worked.

A thread identical to this one was up and running Sat. and Sun. and the "wash in braids" method was unanimously given.

Once your hair gets to a certain length some people find it difficult to avoid tangles and mega loss of hair unless they wash in braids.

Good luck.

Ditto for me :yep:
As my hair grows longer, I find it extremely difficult to wash it loose. I put 5 braids in my hair (two in front And 3 in back) and then wash. I have found that when I finishing washing and conditioning, the detangling process is easy and fast.
My hair tangles severly because I stretch for so long (like many others)...
(right now i'm at 6 months post texturizer.. that's about 24 weeks)

my hair would just come out in clumps in the shower, especially cuz the roots are one texture, and the length of my hair is another.

Last month i found my detangling holy grail... the DENMAN BRUSH!!!
i know many have talked about it before, but you really have to use it to experience it.

Now? i don't have to braid my hair/twist my hair to wash it.. no sections of 4 or 8...
i just take myhair out, run it under the water, get it nice and conditioned.. (yes i use cream of nature shampoo first.. once a week) and once my hair is covered in conditioner, i just brush with the denman....

wow! the brush slides through like butter!!!

Right now, i'm at brastrap in the back, and my hair is thick, and i'm 24 weeks post.. so for this brush to do that? That's no small feat!

I'm in and out of the shower in 15 minutes now.. fully detangled hair...which STAYS detangled once dry!!!!

I can now do dry twists and braids in my hair, sectioning my hair at the roots with my fingers...WOW!

ok. and that's my denman commercial of the day. lol
(i know sooo many ladies on this board love this brush, and will probably read this post thinking :perplexed where has this girl been?)

but i'm writing this for the newbies and/or people who lived under a rock like i did
Try oil rinses. I do mine on dry hair with safflower oil (sit under dryer for 10 minutes), rinse, and detangle under the shower stream. You can use any oil you wish. I'm 6 months post touch up and haven't had problems since. Those shed hairs slip right on out. If you don't like the oily heavy feel afterwards you can do an ACV rinse to cut it down some or shampoo once.

Word of caution: be careful with dilutions. If it's just the right dilution for YOU, your hair will be soft and detangled. Over shoot it and it will be tangle city.

ETA: DLewis mentioned that she uses French Perm Stabilizer Plus and this has helped with tangled too.
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My hair tangles severly because I stretch for so long (like many others)...
(right now i'm at 6 months post texturizer.. that's about 24 weeks)

my hair would just come out in clumps in the shower, especially cuz the roots are one texture, and the length of my hair is another.

Last month i found my detangling holy grail... the DENMAN BRUSH!!!
i know many have talked about it before, but you really have to use it to experience it.

Now? i don't have to braid my hair/twist my hair to wash it.. no sections of 4 or 8...
i just take myhair out, run it under the water, get it nice and conditioned.. (yes i use cream of nature shampoo first.. once a week) and once my hair is covered in conditioner, i just brush with the denman....

wow! the brush slides through like butter!!!

Right now, i'm at brastrap in the back, and my hair is thick, and i'm 24 weeks post.. so for this brush to do that? That's no small feat!

I'm in and out of the shower in 15 minutes now.. fully detangled hair...which STAYS detangled once dry!!!!

I can now do dry twists and braids in my hair, sectioning my hair at the roots with my fingers...WOW!

ok. and that's my denman commercial of the day. lol
(i know sooo many ladies on this board love this brush, and will probably read this post thinking :perplexed where has this girl been?)

but i'm writing this for the newbies and/or people who lived under a rock like i did

I have heard of the denman brush, but just the look of it scares me. I think you have convinced me to give it a try though, so I'm gonna locate one and give it a go.
Oh glad i'm not the only one!!! thank you ladies for all your advice i'm going to bookmark this in kinkys now but i know when i take them out I will have the same problem...i like the matrix analogy...and that is what my hair is like at the roots all the was so bad i stopped combing it!!! cuz i dint want to lose any hair but thanx so much ladies!!...btw how does one's hair become porous??