Severe Dandruff case!!HELP!!


New Member
:eek: Hey

I have really bad dandruff and its really embarassing. What products would you recommend I use to treat my dandruff problem??
I would suggest going to a dermatologist (if you haven't done so already), he gave me some shampoo to clear up the condition. I didn't continue using it though because it required daily washing. To regulate the issue I watch what I eat (too much starch and grease=more dandruf for me) and I make sure I drink enough water. All of the dandruff shampoos I tried really dry my hair out. So now I use a comb the scratch my scalp (not hard) before washing to make sure there are no scales. I use diluted tea tree oil or ACV rinses to cleanse my scalp and I have little to no dandruff now. I don't typically put grease or oil on my scalp. If I have an itchy spot I apply a small amt. of hydrocortisone to the area and it relieves the itching. Some people have had success with sulfur on the scalp for dandruff but I have not tried it personally.
I had a really flaky scalp but since using MTG there's not a flake in sight. The key is the sulfur. There's a product that you can buy at Family Dollar in a gold jar. It's a sulfur ointment for acne but it's 10% sulfur in an oil-free solution. This would work very well for curbing dandruff.
The ONE product that worked for me was STOPITT by Stylitt Cosmetics. I've tried anti-dandruff products forever, and when my cousin came to visit me from the islands, she bought this product and said that it works wonders. I tried it....and it really does work! You get it from a regular hair store.
I use Nizoral. You can get it at any drugstore. It is a shampoo, and it can dry out your hair, so make sure to DC afterwards. Once you use it for 4 or 5 shampoos, you can cut it down to every fifth shampoo or so. This is the only thign I've found that works. It contains an anti-fungal, since many true dandruffs are caused by a fungus. It COULD just be a flaky scalp in reaction to dryness, or even an allergy to something you are using or eating.

Good luck!
How often do you shampoo your hair? That might be causing the problem,too. Because before discovering LHCF I would shampoo my hair once every 2,3 wks. I had a very severe dandruff problem. But now I shampoo my hair 2,3 times in one week. The dandruff problem has just about ceased all together.HTH.