Seven Wonders Miracle Oil


Well-Known Member
The search feature still isn't working, but I thought I read about this before. I bought some yesterday @ my local health food store and can't wait to use it, but I was wondering if anyone is currently using it (or has used it in the past)
and how'd you like it? It has some wonderful ingredients and smells yummy. Any input w/b appreciated!


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  • 7 Wonders® Miracle Oil® 7 rich Natural oils & 14 Herbs Miracle Oil® is super on ALL parts of your body. This one oil does it all!

    Seven Wonder Miracle Oil is:
  • 1. Body Oil
  • 2. Hot Oil
  • 3. Bath Oil
  • 4. Baby Oil
  • 5. Tanning Oil
  • 6. Massage Oil
  • 7. Cuticle Oil

    Miracle Oil® Ingredients:
  • Olive Oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Wheat Germ Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Sesame Seed Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Dimethicone
  • Vitamins E, A & D
  • Burdock Root
  • Chamomile
  • Hyssop
  • Henna Alfalfa
  • Sage
  • Goldenseal
  • Jaborandi
  • Slippery Elm Bark
  • Sheep Sorrell
  • Wheat Germ
  • Cherry Bark
  • Comfrey
  • Black Walnut
  • Yarrow
  • Fragrance

    This product contains no animal fat or oils and is a cruelty free product
I'm thinking of wonder eight oil, should be similar right? I feel in love with the smell in walmart but when i put it in my hair it was very overwhelming. It's a great oil, i think i will use it only for hot oil treatments from now on.
I have been reading about this, it sounds yummy. I need to use up these bulk oils I have. Is this the same company as the seven wonders cream conditioner?Please post a review and tell us what you think.
I have been reading about this, it sounds yummy. I need to use up these bulk oils I have. Is this the same company as the seven wonders cream conditioner?Please post a review and tell us what you think.

I guess I'm going to go ahead and texlax this week (17 wks post) and if I do, I'll incorporate this oil some kind of way to see how I like it. Maybe my oil rinse...anyway, I'll post a review once I use it.
I bought it last weekend at a local health food store too. I haven't used it yet because I have fallen in love with the oils I purchased from SweetCashew. I'll try to incorporate it soon with my moistures and seals and give an update.
I'm thinking of wonder eight oil, should be similar right? I feel in love with the smell in walmart but when i put it in my hair it was very overwhelming. It's a great oil, i think i will use it only for hot oil treatments from now on.

I was thinking Wonder Eight oil too. I have not used Seven Wonders Oil.
I just finished up my bottle, nothing special. I used it after I moisturized, and mixed it in with various conditioners. I would not buy it again, especially since it cost me 9.00 at a local health food store.
I used it as a oil rinse and my hair loves it,I bought it at Vitamin World.
I have so many oils, I have not used it consistently to give true results..