
New Member
I came across this recipe on a website for Hair Loss (..."excuse me but is this the support meeting for hair loss?", as I walk in the room with a HEAD FULL OF HAIR, sorry I'm cheating). But I figure, hey I may not be loosing hair but this drink may cause more hair growth!!!

I just started this so I thought I would pass it on for those who are either wanting a break from pill form vitamins and want a good recipe for hair growth or for those who need it to stop or prevent hair loss.

I have been taking the drink for about a week, but if you start it make sure you give updates as I will too. As for the taste...Its okay. I definately recommend adding flavored yogurt. This recipe makes about 18 fl oz of a drink and it is very filling.

Also, I was able to get all the ingredients from Puritans Pride and Vitaminshoppe.

I plan on continuing this regimin as a substitute for taking all thos dang supplements and they can multiply in number!

Oh, you still need to take your EFA supplement and daily vitamin, MSM, etc. Also, the nutrients in this drink are an abundance so don't worry about supplementing on the side.

Here is some more vital information regarding which vitamins contribute to hair growth and loss prevention:

Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the function of the body, the use of certain vitamins can most certainly play a major part in helping to maintain a healthy head of hair.

The human body is an amazingly complex and wonderful machine, but it cannot function without a supply of food. The nutrients in food are needed for energy, movement, heat, growth, repair, hair growth and sometimes reproduction. The body needs to be able to digest the foods it takes in so that it can be used in various ways.
There are six basic types of nutrients and two basic non-nutrients found in food. The six nutrients are carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements; the two non-nutrients are fibre and water. Generally speaking most foods contain several nutrients, in varying amounts. Carrots, for instance, contain a little protein, a trace of fat, some carbohydrate, a good deal of water, a little sugar, fibre, and a selection of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B6, C and E, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, etc. We need a combination of all the above nutrients to maintain a normal and healthy body.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid
(PABA) as this vitamin is commonly known is one of the lesser known members of the B complex family, has been shown to be an anti-grey hair vitamin. In tests in black animals that were feed with a diet deficient of PABA, they developed grey hair, when the animals were reintroduced to the vitamin, normal hair colour was restored
Research on humans with grey hair being given 200mg of PABA after each meal produced results that showed that a study of the hair afterwards resulted in a seventy per cent result of the hair returning to its original colour. Other research claims that PABA combined with folic acid also helps restore hair to its original colour.
Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair colour. Hair colour can normally be restored with a diet rich in the B vitamins and in the few cases where colour is not restored the hair will improve in quality and strength of growth.
PABA and the B vitamins are found in foods such as liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. The richest source being liver.

Inositol is also a member of the B vitamin group. It is a compound occurring in the brain, muscles, liver, kidney and eyes.
In laboratory animals, a diet lacking Inositol produced baldness, but when the vitamin was added to the food of these animals, the hair grew back again. It was also observed that male animals lost hair twice as fast as female animals. The result of this experiment would suggest that males require a higher Inositol intake than females. An Inositol deficient diet can also cause eczema, a form of skin irritation.
One doctor in a series of experiments prescribed Inositol together with other sources of B vitamins to all his balding patients. In almost all case's hair loss was arrested, in some case's hair growth was noticeable in as little as one month. In one case hair recovery was total and not one bald spot remained.
Inositol, also appears to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Biotin often called vitamin H, is yet another B complex component. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolise fatty acids. Fatty acids are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey.
Biotin is found in egg yolks. Raw egg whites actually hinder effectiveness, but when the albumen (egg white) is cooked, the culprit - a substance called avidin is destroyed by heat. Biotin is also present in liver, milk, yeast and kidney.
Balding men might find that a Biotin supplement may keep their hair longer.

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Wow, that sounds potent!!! Can I substitute something else for the raw egg or can I just eliminate the raw egg altogether?
Nice & Wavy said:
Wow, that sounds potent!!! Can I substitute something else for the raw egg or can I just eliminate the raw egg altogether?

Yes, you can eliminate the egg or even substitute it with more yogurt or some other protein. Or you could try soy milk (which as protein in it) in replace of the OJ, add some ice and you have a milk shake