Seven Wonder Cream


Well-Known Member
I tried this product today as a co wash and my hair loves this conditioner.

I left it on my hair for about seven minutes.
The seven wonder cream left my hair very soft and moisturized I could comb thru my newgrowth with a regular comb but not to fond of the smell
but love the results.
This conditioner gives my hair pretty good slip kinda like
Suave Milk & Honey.
I was wondering has anyone else tried it yet.
I just bought this (along with a butt load of other things from and I may try it as a co-wash. Thanks for the review, Labett!
sassygirl125 said:
I'll be getting some of this in the mail today!

[/ QUOTE ]
Girl, how much room is left in the warehouse?
Chile... I'm almost at the point where I'll have to create little paths to my kitchen, computer, bed, sofa and bathroom.
I'm waiting for my sickbay order too!
I'm a little disappointed to hear that it doesn't smell nice, but oh well...
. Hopefully it isn't that bad!!
Goldilocks: thanks a lot. My next big question is, what the heck are: Policuaterno, Delicuarter, Sun Filter and Meril?

I did a quick dictionary/internet search and got nothing for "Policuaterno" & "Delicuarter". "sun filter" could be a few dozen different things and "meril" yielded way too many options to figure out. Are these spanish or some other language? If so, kinda strange 'cause I can figure out the first 3 ingredients . . .
It has a medicinal smell that I just can't put my finger on. Somewhere between Bayer aspirin and something antibiotic. I just know that I've smelled it in a hospital before.

I've only tried it once, so I'm withholding complete judgement. But I will say that it spreads really easily through the hair without sitting on top. Detangling was not a problem during the rinse out. I let it air dry overnight and the next day and did a CO wash this morning. It was still soft. I didn't follow it up with a moisturizing conditioner.
You are right Myco I just could not tell what medicine this stuff smell like either but love how it makes my hair feel.
I will purchase it again.