Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

I'm about to apply some EVCO to my scalp & some GSO/WGO to my hair to pre-poo overnight. I have somewhere to go tomorrow so I'll have to get up early & do my set. I was thinking about buying some small rollers & doing a spiral curl set but it's cold & rainy here & I didn't feel like stopping at the BSS.
Hello ladies- I haven't set in forever but I got my hair colored, flat ironed and cut yesterday (2-3 inches). I slept with a couple of bantu knots and my hair was wavy this morning, but the waves have already fallen. Even after my cut I'm still BSL.

It's beautiful as always! I love the color
Thanks lulu97. She mixed black and burgundy. What day is little lulu due?
GettingKinky May 7th..but I'm full term so he can come at any point now. Yikes!

I told my stylist I want to be super duper jet midnight black with loads of shine! lol We are shooting for the end of the year or sometime next year to let my highlights grow out some more. How often do you get touchups? Does she go over your entire head or just the roots? I am leaning towards the same cellophane treatments you get.
lulu97 I go every 8 weeks for touchups. She does my whole head but usually I only have grays around my temples. The color takes much better and last longer when I get a relaxer touch up the same day, but even without the relaxer it takes pretty well. My hair is already really dark so the burgundy only shows up in sunlight.

Thanks toaster.
Well at the last minute we were invited to a beach bonfire tomorrow. I can't even sit here and tell y'all my hair looked decent cause since my wrist has been hurting, it's been a hot mess....just in one frizzy ugly braid. I had to think of something that was quick that can aggravate my wrist the least so I had my daughter wash and deep condition it, then I did a 2 ponytail bootleg flexi rod set. Took about 15 mins. lol I used regular conditioner to set, didnt even use a comb and just grabbed and rolled. I don't even care how it turns out cause I'm just gonna throw it in a high bun....I just wanted it clean and stretched. Bout to sit under the dryer for an hour then stretch it in 2 bantu knots overnight.
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Babygrowth Yes - wet moisture, oily or both is a must -- e.g., my mix after rinsing out conditioner and before setting lotion is usually tiny nickel/quarter size skirt of Salerm 21, about 3Xs as much Laicio, and a dime size bit of Palmers Coconut Milk leave in. Sometimes, if I know that I am going to be bunning, I will apply a bit of Argan oil or Morrocan Oil first before anything and/or after taking rollers out -- the last two can weigh hair down if you're wearing it out but add a lot of shine pre-set. Anyway, I apply that mix before I even think about spraying on setting lotion.

One thing that a lot of new setters will do (I know, because I did it before someone told me not to) is that as your hair starts to dry (even if you have it sectioned off in big clipped bantu knots, as you should), you should re-wet with PLAIN water NOT the setting lotion mix. Hair should be dripping wet (if you are doing a roller set vs. dry) but it is completely possible to over-apply setting lotion and get a lot of flakiness/dryness as a result.

IMO, two keys to a good roller set: dripping (down your neck, messy) hair (not towel dried) and the right mix of products for your hair -- in that order. Roller-setting is about technique, patience and knowing your hair needs in terms of tools/ products.

Thank you for saying that because I was wondering about that. So I need to make sure to use moisture under it.
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Speaking or products ... do any of you have any suggestions re moisturizing deep conditioners? (i.e., for post Roux Mendex, Aphogee 2 step or Emergencee treatment) The ladies in this thread seem to be extremely dedicated to particular products and observant re effect on their hair so I trust your opinions. (I started a separate thread on this "BEST moisturizing cond." question so please feel free to respond there in order to maintain integrity of OPs thread.)
Speaking or products ... do any of you have any suggestions re moisturizing deep conditioners? (i.e., for post Roux Mendex, Aphogee 2 step or Emergencee treatment) The ladies in this thread seem to be extremely dedicated to particular products and observant re effect on their hair so I trust your opinions. (I started a separate thread on this "BEST moisturizing cond." question so please feel free to respond there in order to maintain integrity of OPs thread.)

rawsilk After a 2 step treatment, I've used Aussie 3 minute or TIGI moisture maniac. You can pick them both up from Target. I've also used HV Sitrinillah but it has 0 slip. lol
Can't use Aussie 3 (it just doesn't like my hair) but keep seeing the other two in suggestion to question posted on other thread. When you say that it is moisturizing but doesn't have slip - do you mean that hair becomes soft but difficult to detangle? (I forgot tech. definition for slip.)
rawsilk After a 2 step treatment, I've used Aussie 3 minute or TIGI moisture maniac. You can pick them both up from Target. I've also used HV Sitrinillah but it has 0 slip. lol
Can't use Aussie 3 (it just doesn't like my hair) but keep seeing the other two in suggestion to question posted on other thread. When you say that it is moisturizing but doesn't have slip - do you mean that hair becomes soft but difficult to detangle? (I forgot tech. definition for slip.)
rawsilk Exactly. Yes your hair will be soft and moisturized but you will not be able to detangle with a comb or even run your fingers through it to detangle. Right now I don't mind it because I use my leave in conditioner to detangle. I have a huge tub that will probably last for another year but I wont repurchase. As my natural hair takes over, slip becomes necessary in almost every step of my wash process. Plus I hate that I can't buy it locally so that's 2 points against it. lol
The result of my lazy 2 ponytail flexi rod set. It was nice and stretched enough to bun. Wont be taking this baby down until I go to the salon Friday...just spritzing daily as a refresher. Leaving in actual conditioner left it nice and moisturized. This will be my go to setting method when I know I wont be wearing my hair down and just bunning.
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rawsilk and GettingKinky


I am reconsidering curlformers as a summer setting tool.Of course I need to get more and my hair kinda hangs outs now that it is getting long.

BUT I only sat under the dryer for 45 mins and then went to bed. It might be nice not to need a lot of dryer time when it gets to be hot. We shall see....
lulu97 How much conditioner do you think you left in your hair - barely noticeable, a bit slippery, slightly rinsed and still slimmy? (LOL -- I was trying to think of ways to describe degree of rinse out and that's all I could come up with.)
The result of my lazy 2 ponytail flexi rod set. It was nice and stretched enough to bun. Wont be taking this baby down until I go to the salon Friday...just spritzing daily as a refresher. Leaving in actual conditioner left it nice and moisturized. This will be my go to setting method when I know I wont be wearing my hair down and just bunning.
lulu97 How much conditioner do you think you left in your hair - barely noticeable, a bit slippery, slightly rinsed and still slimmy? (LOL -- I was trying to think of ways to describe degree of rinse out and that's all I could come up with.)

rawsilk I will try to explain it without confusing you and leaving you cross-eyed. lol
The only rinse out conditioner we had in the house was SM restorative conditioner so I used that. If you are familiar with it, it comes in a pump and the pump disperses very little product. So keep that in mind for now.
I divided my hair in half (top and bottom horizontally) and each half got maybe 10 pumps per section. It sounds like a lot but it's really not since like I mentioned before the pump gives out a very small amount of conditioner. When I smoothed with my hands and spritzed with water, it became foamy and very slippery which is why I didn't need to use a comb. I was skeptical about going back to this particular conditioner after not using it for over 2 years, but I'm so glad I did. It will be my new love for when I need to do this cheat set for updo's. My hair is still moisturized and soft! The downside was it wasn't all the way dry within the ponytails even after sitting under the dryer for an hour but I just threw on a scarf and let it finished drying overnight after removing the flexi rods. I didn't even touch the ponytail part until the next day.
After 10 minutes under the dryer, I had already ate all my Tricuits and drank all my orange juice. Hoping DH wakes up to bring me more :lachen:
I didn't get up early enough to do a rollerset so after I washed & DCed my hair, I just combed it down & sat under the dryer. I wore a ponytail to the event I had to attend. I will CW & set my hair prolly tomorrow.
I use Paul Mitchell super skinny serum when I set. I want to buy some chi silk infusion whenever I can fight the urge to spend money on deep conditioners instead.