Realtor & Foodie
Question ladies:
When setting how do you determine roller size. I am nearing BSL and think i need some bigger rollers. I am hoping bigger rollers allow me to make larger sections and have a looser curl.
I did find this: Use the correct size roller for your length. Short hair can use rollers up to an 1-1/4", medium from 1-1/4" - 1- 3/4" and long from 1-3/4 on up.
But I not sure how the author defines Medium vs. long. Anyone out there with good results rolling with 1-3/4 inch rollers to 2 inch rollers?
It all depends on what look you're going for. If you're going for the really curly look, I think you should go at least two sizes smaller than the size that makes your hair straight, maybe 1 1/8". Seeing that you are full BSL, you can probably go with the teal/aqua color (don't know the size) but its just size just below the purple. It's pretty much trial and error, which is why most of us has tons and tons if us have them in all colors, LOL!
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