

Well-Known Member
When I got my hair rebraided today, my beautician said she noticed a little breakage in my "stress spot". I know I have been meticulous when it comes to moisturizing, conditioning.. overall taking good care of my hair but that stupid breakage irritates me! Anyone else dealing/dealt with the same thing?:sad:
what are stress spots?
but anyway, this is why i dont get braids. not that im trying to say "dont/stop getting them" its just that you have to find the right person to put them in and then you have to know exactly how to take care of them and the right products and then how long to leave them in and blah blah blah blah.
i think is hard to take care of braids IMO so i stay away from them. but im sure there are alot of ladies on hare that can give you great info.
but dont get upset just look at it as a learning experience and baby the hair before and after the braids and you should be fine.
if you feel like the hair is weak then you can try a reconstructor and deep conditioner.
I think everyone has a certain spot that doesn't grow or breaks more. I have a quarter sized area on the right side of my crown that I have to "baby" because that's where breakage begins. When I was relaxed I would have to hide it by pulling hair over it. Now I can't tell where the trouble spot really is. It's maybe a tad bit shorter than the rest of my hair, BUT it's not a bald spot anymore. It would come and go every 6 months or so. Now that I think back, it would fill in on "stretches" and then post relaxer or semi perm color it would be bald again with mucho shedding everywhere else. So I think your stress spot is just your "Achilles tendon" of hair.
yes, I'm dealing with some breakage right now. When it's wet, I can just tug at it and it snaps. Guess its time to up the reconstructor treatments
When I got my hair rebraided today, my beautician said she noticed a little breakage in my "stress spot". I know I have been meticulous when it comes to moisturizing, conditioning.. overall taking good care of my hair but that stupid breakage irritates me! Anyone else dealing/dealt with the same thing?:sad:

im with you girl. just happened to me again. talk about a setback. i cant figure out what exactly caused it :wallbash: however. im remaining positive. i still have length. the patch is in the back on the right and not visible. it kills me to know it's there. by the end of the year if i retain it will be about 4 1/2 inches. i can't be depressed over this. just keep my regimen simple and stop trying everything i hear about and comb every night instead of not combing and find a good moisturizer. i can't co wash. not good for my hair. and switching to a lye happy that im getting it together. hang in there girl. remain positive, do alot of reading up, try to find a hair twin or a hair mentor on the board and keep it simple!! i wish u lots of luck and success!! :yep: