set backs


Active Member
How many setbacks have you had since you started your healthy/longhair journey. I have been on a healthy hair journey for almost a year now but I have to get in cut tomorrow because my ends are a mess and they have split up very high. I think I may even have split middles. I'm so depressed but I'll be okay. My hair grows pretty fast. I'm just so :mad:
I have experienced 3 setbacks since I began my journey in 2003. My hair was thriving in the summer of 04 but in the fall, I decided to color my hair. The process itself broke the edges off and made my hair feel like yarn. Then, in summer of 05, I waited too long for a retouch and had some major breakage that thinned my hair out. I didn't do any major chops. I took care of the hair I had left, used motions CPR on my ends to try to regain as much fullness as possible and got a rinse. My hair was starting to feel as good as new. Then, I decided to self-relax. That gave me a slight set-back, but my hair is on it's way again!

Don't cut it! Just do some treatments and treat your hair really well. You will be surprised! :yep: :)
I'm on my 2nd one now :wallbash: The first was when my hair took a five month break from growing the first five months of last year.

Right now, I've tried using a different deep conditioner and didn't realize it wasn't moiturizing enough until yesterday. :eek: I saw loads of spilt ends. I did an emergency intervention, deep condition last night.

I just trimed 3wks ago!!! I usually only need to do that once every 6 months. So, I'll need to trim again in the next week or so, after I get it back in shape.
I had a set back w/ a flat iron around Nov. 05-----my hair does not like alot of heat!!

So I had did a big trim and now I seem to be doing pretty well
i've been trying to deal with my colored split ends. That has been my only set back. I'll probably just end up chopping off the color but then I'll end up with 3 in. of hair!:( oh well it always grows back right!
my biggest setback is caused by overlapping my relaxer. I am still not able to self-relax without accidentally overlapping smoewhere on my head.

I can tell when I have overlapped because I get a lot of breakage at that point after the relaxer.
LovelyZ said:
my biggest setback is caused by overlapping my relaxer. I am still not able to self-relax without accidentally overlapping smoewhere on my head.

I can tell when I have overlapped because I get a lot of breakage at that point after the relaxer.
Exactly! I have decided that self-relaxing is not worth it for me.
I examined my ends closely and they look more dry and brittle than split. I might just have to bump of the moisture. They look stringy. I think I won't have to lose that much but I still will lose some. I'll start using my leavin more often.
I only had one setback (an overlapping experience which caused me to cut my past-shoulder-length hair up to my ears). :mad:

Unfortunately for me, its The Neverending Setback. (Overlap was more than 2 years ago now). No matter how many times I trim my hair it keeps breaking. Latest example: my hair was breaking off in 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch pieces. So I cut 3/4 of an inch. Should have solved the problem, right? NOPE. I'm still seeing little pieces of broken hair. :(

Before my setback (after starting healthy hair practices) my hair NEVER broke.

I don't know what to do anymore.:ohwell:
longhairluva said:
How many setbacks have you had since you started your healthy/longhair journey. I have been on a healthy hair journey for almost a year now but I have to get in cut tomorrow because my ends are a mess and they have split up very high. I think I may even have split middles. I'm so depressed but I'll be okay. My hair grows pretty fast. I'm just so :mad:

Yes girl! My sides are always a problem. They are growing it's the fact that they are naturally fine. I just cut about 2 inches last night. I was going to make that phone call telling my hairdresser that I wanted my hair cut OFF then someone came to me and said " girl your hair is growiiiing!" That set me off from cutting. Maybe you just need an intense trim. DO you BlowDry or flatiron? My you can cut it down some. I am going to start trying tollersets, bantu knots, and a phony pony.
I don't blowdry at all and I have used a flat iron twice. I think I don't put enough moisturizer in because I want it to swing when I walk. I wear my hair wrapped everyday. That may be the problem to. My ends rubbing up against my shirt. What can I do for the split middles.
Yes I think everyone has had a set back atleast once so dont feel bad. My setback was me mini chopping my hair. I was so anxious to chop off some hair. I forgot all about my original plan. So now Im back on track. The minor setbacks arent what get you in trouble its getting LEFT back. Dont let this disappointment keep you in a rut. The longer you stay 'behind' the more problems your hair will have getting back into routine.
Split ends and middles at the front of my head. It all started last year when I noticed that after a few hours of being under the a/c my hair had no moisture. I was alternating from intense sun to cold buildings. I did extra sraying with water and my moisturizer and that didn't do any good. So after a few weeks I trimmed, then trimmed again before putting in braids. Used a moistizing shampoo while in braids and did the crown and glory method. Took out the braids and again splits at the front. I decided not to trim but instead just focus on individual strands of hair and use a treatment for split ends. It's three weeks later and I think it's about 80% better.

I think I know why this section is doing it - sun damage and plus I'm sure I have about an inch of texturized hair left at the front. It was always the longest part. I am going back to wearing my hats also.
Lovelylocs said:
Exactly! I have decided that self-relaxing is not worth it for me.
Me too! no more self relaxing, I also lost my last hairdresser she wanted me to come for a relaxer every 5-6 weeks I waited until 9 I think she got mad at me(oh well don't care) Here I go again searching for another I am sooooo tired of these hairdressers what is wrong with some of them? Not all, but most I have encounter. I have all kind of stories, they have a way of making you feel it's you not them, so I am the reason they don't call back when you try to make an appointment(after leaving 3-4 messages on their voice mail, or they are always late, or put too strong of a relaxer in your hair and say oops next time we will use a mild on you, or don't show up or call you to tell you they are not coming in or screaming at their kids to stop while they are doing your hair, or leave the relaxer in your hair while they run to the bank or want to talk about their personal life for 30 mins before doing your hair(I AM JUST OVER IT) and this is not the same hair stylist!!!! Oh hell, it is me I just previewed my own thread people think I am a push over because I don't say anything because I am so afraid they will mess me up which they end of doing anyway. I am moving to another state!!!!

I always tip very well I just don't understand it! Do they teach professionalism in cosmetology school?

Sorry for going off I guess it's that time of the month, no it's not! they are just crazy people!!!! Artist my _ss, I am sorry they better wish I don't ever learn how to do my own relaxers!!!!
I am so happy you started this thread. I can take this out of my chest. I could not do it earlier because the board was down at that moment and I was all by myself miserable. Anyway.. I had a nice neck lenght hair cut, starting from scrach sept2004. One year later I ended up with a pretty shoulder lengh and healthy hair (see my album). My regimen was relax with mild relaxer for 10 minutes every 2 months and daily bun, using the whole line of nexxus and carrot oil from ors on my ends everyday. Amazingly I did not have a single slip end and did not trim for that whole year. After my one year anniversary I felt confident to transition to natural hair or at least have my hair relaxed twice a year. So I started a new regimen. Same daily bun but would condition/wash every single day (sometimes twice a day because of the gym.). The texture changed, I started having lots lots of slipt ends even though my hair was still growing. I finally relaxed after about 7 months of streching with profectiv. I was so sad. My hair was so thin, brittle .. I almost cried, wanted to come to the board to share but it was down..
Anyway long story short, I gave another shot to a stylist to cut my ends - almost 2-3 inches-. She did just ok. I could have done better myself. But because It was cheap (Mastercuts salon) I asked her if she could take care of my hair, I would come every week for a wet set. I jumped off my chair and litterally ran when she said first of all she has to re-relax my hair because it is not bone strait and she cannot do a hair without a bone strait look and second she will relax, color and highlight my hair the same day. I was OKaaaay I just relaxed my hair 3 days ago, I lost all the fullness of it and you want to what??? But to be honest I did an henna treatment the night before maybe that is why she though the hair was underprocessed. Anyway how can she relax, color and highlight my poor hair the same day? She needs to go the Jail for just saying that. LOL..

Anyway long story short (again) my hair is back to the grind. Neck lenght. It is ok, I will bun it anyway, and Iam going back to my ultimate regimen for another year.

I remember my hair growing pretty fast and healthy when I was relaxing every 8 weeks, loading it with grease, not washing weekly and using any kind of shampoo I could find. using color .....

It is out of my chest now and I swear I am not sad..LOL. I will try again.... I will post picture of this set back soon.

Thanks for listening (ooops reading).
I've had more than I care to remember. It seems like all I keep having are setbacks. Anyway, my first was December 2004 (I had all these sailor's knots), which prompted me to find this website :) ! After that, my hair got a little bit healthier, and I retouched in March 2005. Then I thought I should stretch for a long time, which I did. It was successful at first, disastrous after that. So I got braids, because my new growth was too much. Overall, I stretched 34 weeks (Yikes!), and had my first phyto relaxer experience. It was a disaster (November 2005). It didn't take and I had 34 weeks of "underprocessed" hair. I waited 9 weeks and relaxed in early January 2006 with phyto again. It was another disaster. I will be relaxing on Saturday, and hope that I can report growth. In the meantime, I've been bunning, but I feel that a lot more hair than normal has come out of my head. Hopefully 2006 will be a better growth year than 2005!
i had one setback last yr, which was a lady using blunt scissors on my ends makin them worse!

since last april i haven't trimmed and my ends looks great, gona do a trim in 2 weeks time though for peace of mind
I think working with your setback instead of just chopping it all off can be a wonderful learning experience. :yep: You may just discover that you don't have to chop it off at all. As much as I am still annoyed that I ruined my hair which was in perfect condition by coloring it :cool: , I did learn a lot from the experience and I am really happy that I didn't cut it all off as a result. :yep:

In fact, I don't think my hair likes to be trimmed at all. Trimming only lets my hair look nice for that one day or time. WHen my hair is a blunt length, it is very tangly. I don't see the point unless you are doing it for aesthetic reasons. :nono: When my ends need to be trimmed, that one section needs to be trimmed. It doesn't spread up the hair shaft or anything. So, when I cut it, the new ends will become split and then I have to trim again. I figure that if I wait until I reach my goal, I will have to trim less. :look: Does this make sense? :)
I've experienced a setback a few months ago from getting blonde highlights. The left side of my hair broke off and I had to get a couple inches cut off. My hair was a couple inches below my shoulder before I got it cut a month or two ago. I was really sad to cause if it wouldn't had been damaged it would've been longer than that by now. I got tired of looking at the left side of my hair cause it was see through so I went ahead and got it cut. The area that broke off is filling in nicely so I'm glad I got it cut.
Lovelylocs said:
Exactly! I have decided that self-relaxing is not worth it for me.
I've NEVER had my hair relaxed by a professional, but I'm considering it now. I'm terrified of overlapping. My girlfriend's hair is about 2.5 inches long and she had 1.5 inches of new growth and her stylist was like some kind of mad scientist trying not to overlap. I was like dang....I want HIM! I'm nervous about having someone else do it, but unlike my mother I don't have eyes in the back of my head. :lachen:

Anyway, on topic... Sorry about your hair. I've recently had a major set back too. I dyed my hair and it fried it. I didn't know even a temp dye could do this much damage. :eek: Never again. I've had to spend hours/week chasing split ends and deep conditioning. They seem to be under control now. But I did cut off an inch or two.
Sareca, when you are relaxed hair color is the devil unless it is a rinse. I wish I didn't have to learn that the hard way.
I seem to be on a neverending set back. Last August I allowed a stylist to trim my hair. I told her to only part my hair in the middle and trim around the edges, but she insisted (and I ultimitely let her) part my hair in layers and trim each section. I hate not having hair that's on length. She seem to have cut the very back of my hair way shorter then the rest so ever since the, i've been waiting for the back to grow in and it's been taking forever!
Lovelylocs said:
Sareca, when you are relaxed hair color is the devil unless it is a rinse. I wish I didn't have to learn that the hard way.
No kidding. :( I thought I was safe because it was a temporary dye. Honestly, I still don't really know the difference between a semi-permanent, temp, and a rinse. :confused:
too many it seems since being natural...

1st- not knowing the dangers of the panty hose head band...MAJOR breakage on top...
2nd- after growing out the bald spot...went for a "trim" to even it up..came out with a TWA:mad:

i think i may be on the roll now...just hope i dont jinx myself
Lovelylocs said:
I have experienced 3 setbacks since I began my journey in 2003. My hair was thriving in the summer of 04 but in the fall, I decided to color my hair. The process itself broke the edges off and made my hair feel like yarn. Then, in summer of 05, I waited too long for a retouch and had some major breakage that thinned my hair out. I didn't do any major chops. I took care of the hair I had left, used motions CPR on my ends to try to regain as much fullness as possible and got a rinse. My hair was starting to feel as good as new. Then, I decided to self-relax. That gave me a slight set-back, but my hair is on it's way again!

Don't cut it! Just do some treatments and treat your hair really well. You will be surprised! :yep: :)

How did you wear your while you was growing it out? Also, did you eventually trim your hair after the hair even out?
sareca said:
Sorry about your hair. I've recently had a major set back too. I dyed my hair and it fried it. I didn't know even a temp dye could do this much damage. :eek: Never again. I've had to spend hours/week chasing split ends and deep conditioning. They seem to be under control now. But I did cut off an inch or two.

Girl I was thinking about dying my hair a darker color. I don't think I will be doing that. By the way I love your progress pics. Your hair is growing like weed.:)