Set Back. Breakage due to eyeglasses


New Member
Ok guys my hair for the most part is thick and healthy. I noticed the last few weeks that I have short hair approx 1 1/2" behind my ears! The breakage is equal on both sides.:wallbash: Setback. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why. This has never happened to me. My friend said isn't that where your glasses stop! And she sure is right. I usually have my hair pinned up and I think my glasses cut through that section of hair. I only wear eyeglasses to read. My doctor won't prescribe contacts. So any suggestions on what to do?
He won't prescribe contacts because the glasses are just for reading my eyes get tired. I can change my frames but what do I change my frames too? I am new to wearing glasses I admit. Should I look for glasses with shorter sides?
Just it possible to put a headband on? Like put a headband on and lap your glasses over it? So when your taking off your glasses it's not cutting or touching your hair period. Sorry i don't wear glasses, i hope i make sense. Something to block the glasses from touching your hair behind your ears.
I wear glasses. All day everyday and sometimes I fall asleep in them since I was 12. Every now and then a strain or two get caught in the crease of the legs, but usually I see or feel it before it actually breaks, but I have never had any noticable damage. How much breakage do you have?
My hair is extra dry around my ears. I make sure I saturate that area every day with water, butters and oils. It's probably a combination of glasses, headbands, etc.
Hey Bermuda:
i would go with smooth plastic frames - NOT METAL. and make sure the screws dont stick out. HTH

Yup, I have plastic frames, I have no problems with breakage in that area. But I really ever only take off my glasses at bedtime, so thre's not a lot of friction with me moving them, taking them on/off. And you can't forget to moisturize back there either.
Ok guys my hair for the most part is thick and healthy. I noticed the last few weeks that I have short hair approx 1 1/2" behind my ears! The breakage is equal on both sides.:wallbash: Setback. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why. This has never happened to me. My friend said isn't that where your glasses stop! And she sure is right. I usually have my hair pinned up and I think my glasses cut through that section of hair. I only wear eyeglasses to read. My doctor won't prescribe contacts. So any suggestions on what to do?

I usually wear my glasses right above my ears but always make sure my glasses never cut through my hair...that was just my personal preference because it made me feel uncomfortbale, but I can see where constant rubbing and the taking off and putting back on can start to etch out hair.

Just make sure your glasses don't cut through your hair...if you're wearing your hair up or in a bun you can fist put on a head tie/scarf too make sure all hair is covered, put out glasses on then remove the head tie/scarf.

Doing this should also ensure your glasses are settled properly on your face (because equally balancing on your ears not through your hair)

I wear contact lenses 99% of the time but the other day I decided to just wear my glasses for once. I kept feeling this tightness behind my ears and my scalp. Once I took my glasses off I realized they were too tight. It's a good thing I don't wear glasses all the time because I'm sure I would've been bald behind my ears or something. You should just have your glasses loosened behind the ears a little.