set back advice needed...


Well-Known Member
My hair is longer than it has ever been and I've been so excited about my progress, but after taking a closer look at each strand I've noticed my head is covered in split ends and mid strand splits and a few SSKs. I have had these issues throughout my journey and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't think it will do any good to search and destroy because it seems to be throughout my hair :-( I REALLY don't want to big chop but I can't think of another option right now :-( :-( :-(
If you don't cut at least to where your hair is split, it will continue to split and fall out. Good hair is healthy hair, whether short or long. I'm not sure what your regimen is or what type of chemicals you put on your hair, but sticking to no heat, no chemicals, protective styles, and intensive conditioning with all natural products will surely keep your hair free of splits all together.

Sometimes, starting all over again is the best thing we can do for our hair, nails, and even our lives.
:bighug: We have ALL been there.

1- DON'T give up!!!
2- DON'T do ANYTHING drastic.
3- Now that you know you can grow it, you know it will grow back

When I have had my worse setbacks (and there have been a few), my absolutely die hard repair solutions were found here on the forum. The one I look to the most is found HERE under Special Emergency Procedure for Destroyed Hair. If you are willing to put in the time, it really works.

ONLY AFTER you have done some repair, go back and look at your hair again. Even have a trusted stylist look at it. Often we think that our hair is MUCH worse than it is and a more objective opinion can provide a better outlook.

Good luck!! and Don't Worry. Even after multiple setbacks, my hair is still thriving, growing, and shocking people left and right. And I have been on this HHJ for +2 years now.
I don't believe in cutting all of the hair for the sake of some split ends. If you don't see parts of the hair broken off in the sink, just baby it and trim regularly. So what if you have split ends...its due to daily manipulation and styling and handling in general. If it is "as long as its ever been" you must be doing something right. I just lost about 4" and am basically back to where I was a year ago. I'm not sure just what happened, but I was as long as my hair has ever been and I suddenly got set back. I trimmed, but I don't think I trimmed ALL of the splits. I am just going to selectively trim the broken areas and dust all over. I don't care if its uneven, I want the "long look".

Try hot oil treatments.
Are you still retaining legnth well? If so, I would just baby your strands and not do any major cutting. Some people are never split or ssk free. Examine your reggie and make sure that you are giving your hair what it needs and are being gentle in handling it.
Keep us posted!
As a person that had a little bit of a set back, I understand where you are coming from.

However, getting the hair trimmed to eliminate the splits was the best thing for my hair. (I had 3 inches trimmed off in a 3 month period :-( ) It grew back in the healthiest condition yet as I have been able to retain all of my growth since then. Sure you lose some of the length but think of it like this, its putting you right back on the path to healthy hair.

You don't mention how much you need to trim, but, I hope you understand the difference between BC and a healthy trim.