seriously asking; How much is your water bill?


New Member
out of all the cow, dc'n, poo'n, co'n, relaxing...alll the day to day hair challenges and care...I really would like to know how much is spent on water.
i'm about to go back to the states to live and for the first time, i'm going to have to pay for water, so the unlimited use of water is cut out. usually i poo in the shower but i like to let my hair completely dry before rubbing oct on my scalp and rubbing creme rinse on my hair. i leave that on overnight. i want to start back cow', and dc'n daily. but i'm unsure on water prices.
anyonne care to share....sorry if you feel this is too personal...i'm just wanting a heads up and maybe tweak my regimen so dh and won't have water issues...:look: Goodness, i can hear him now!
I think it depends on where you live and how many in the household. I'm in S. Fl and I pay $95 roughly a month and there's 4 of us adults and one toddler
$40-50 monthly, that's with 4 adults in the house, including one that will incessantly water the lawn even when it just rained the day before :rolleyes:
well i'm a family of 4 and i'll be in virginia. i'd love to see a $15-20 bill. dh takes navy showers so he never consumes water. my kids are young. but i spend most water on hair.
It's Just Me and I get a Monthly Water Bill. And, I pay about $25.00 --$30.00a Month.

It's never been over $30 Bucks.:yep:
well i'm a family of 4 and i'll be in virginia. i'd love to see a $15-20 bill. dh takes navy showers so he never consumes water. my kids are young. but i spend most water on hair.

I live in VA and with two adults in my home it is about 25-30/month. That is two long showers for me and one for the boy, plus washing clothes, cars, DC'n, CO'n etc.
I don't know but I know its pretty negligible. Either way, I feel the best way to save on your water bill while doing your hair is to use the sink.

That way you can turn the water off frequently and only have it running when you need to rinse or wet your hair, its a HUGE difference from in the shower where I end up letting the water run while I lather my hair just to keep me warm. Sometimes I try to conserve more and I use the sink instead, I especially do this when I know I have a huge detangling job ahead of me like if I rocked a fro all week, I show some mercy to the water bill and opt for the sink lol
Single person living in Northern VA about 40 minutes from Washington DC.

My water bill is $50-55 per month. Water, sewer, trash included.
I live in VA but stay in an appartment. I don't pay a water bill its probally tied in with my rent. (Which is a good thing)
I pay around 150. every 3 months..and my house is a side by side duplex and I have both its not much at all...and its 3 adults and 1 child
About $20 a month here. My hair is not an issue. I wash about 20 loads of clothes a weeks. If I could ever get that down that would be great.
Its free if u live in NYC :) Here I think landloards are required by law to provide water and heat.

Wow! I wish that was nationwide!! Shoot I think we would never think about water consumption...I think. But definitely it wouldn't be a problem for me.
Just wondering if NY has water and heat provided to tenants is it because the cost of living? The rent there is pretty high right?
Just wondering if NY has water and heat provided to tenants is it because the cost of living? The rent there is pretty high right?

I def think they are. At least all the people I know have water and heat covered by their landloard. Lol if they didn't do that I don't think ne could live here. The rent is insaaaaaaaaane! Especially in Manhattan
I have a Brownstone & $206.00 every 2 months.
I cut back on henna & other powders...

Happy Hair Growing!
Wow! I can't believe how low water is in various parts of the country!!!

My water bill used to be $52/mo, then it went to about $75/mo, now it's about $90. I agree w/dlewis, it's the laundry that's running up the bill - at least I'd like to think it's the clothes and not all the co-washing, etc.
No idea -- I'm in Chicago and heat & water are included in my rent (thank goodness, because I can't imagine how much it costs them to keep this old building warm in the winter *shudders*). I tend to take long showers too...
In my city, they only bill every two months for water. Mine is between $30-$35 every 2 months when the bill is due, so that's like $15-$17 per month. Then again, I only really shampoo my hair every couple of weeks cuz I have it braided underneath a LF. So, the only things that run up my bill are laundry, showers/baths, and dish washing. In the summer before I started wearing a LF (its too hot, so I don't wear wigs in the summer, but rather clip-on extensions to protect my hair) I washed more frequently, but my bill seemed to stay the same! I don't take long showers unless washing my hair. This is an old building (literally as old as me), but it seems to be pretty least my place is.