Serious Lurker has PHYTO questions...


New Member
Okay, first I have to admit that I have been lurking EVERYDAY since December 2002.
I finally registered because I could no longer see all the pics.
I have been too shy/scared to submit any new posts or make any comments, BUT this Phyto sensation has aroused my curiosity. Even my neighbor uses it! (Her hair looks great, BTW) So, I am taking a deep breath and coming out of the shadows:
I have THICK 4a/b hair. I mean THICK! My hair is past my bra strap. I've used the Bantu Mild relaxer for 15 years. Then I switched to Affirm No Lye and I've been using that for the last three or four years.
I'd like to switch to the Phyto relaxer, but I am afraid to because I have an Affirm relaxer already. My other concern is that it will not straighten my hair because it is so dang thick! I've read a few comments from the ladies stating that Phyto gave them a lot of body, etc. I have too much body, so I like it when my hair is relaxed "bone straight". So, here are my questions:
1. What types of relaxers did you ladies have before you applied Phyto? and how do you know if the two relaxers will "get along" without causing breakage?
2. Has anyone achieved "bone straight" 4 a/b hair with the Phyto relaxer?
I am 15 weeks post relaxer so I really must tame all this new growth, but I am sick and tired of the burning scalp!! I burn so bad that my stylist relaxes my hair in four steps instead of two. The whole process is so dramatic and painful. Hopefully, I can acheive great results with the Phyto relaxer.
Okay, first I have to admit that I have been lurking EVERYDAY since December 2002.

Now THAT is some serious lurking :lol: . Welcome to the light :D

WHERE IS THE PHYTO PUSHA!! Kaddy you are GOOD. Girl you have brought someone out of serious lurkdom. You deserve the crown. :king:

Honestly I would say that if what you've been using is working for your hair (sans the burning), you should probably continue to use it. Based on what I;ve been reading from the Phyto ladies, this relaxer doesn't get the hair bone straight. I'm sure others will be along shortly with more advice. And stay outta the shadows :grin:
BonFille said:
So, here are my questions:
1. What types of relaxers did you ladies have before you applied Phyto?
My previous relaxer was Profectiv No Lye - Super.

BonFille said:
and how do you know if the two relaxers will "get along" without causing breakage?
I wasn't completely sure that this wouldn't happen. What I did the last time around (which was my 1st Phyto experience) was to relax in sections and was careful to cover the hairline and some of the previously relaxed hair with oils to protect it. I'm happy with the results thus far.

BonFille said:
2. Has anyone achieved "bone straight" 4 a/b hair with the Phyto relaxer?
I haven't, because I don't relax my hair to the point where it's that straight (just my own preference). Actually, I have never had it bone straight. I like a tiny bit of texture (only because I'm used to it). :grin:
I have fine/medium textured 4a hair. I used Index 1, so I may not be much help, but I applied the phyto over hair that was previously texturized with a lye relaxer, so the two chemicals will get along. My hair is now wavy/3b curly and I smoothed it a lot and left it on for a total of 30mins. If your hair has too much body with a regular relaxer, it will only have much much more with the phyto...