Serious "?" How/where do you measure your hair?

How/where do you measure your hair

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I'm a bit confused as to where I should be measuring my hair inorder to determine where on the chart I fall.. (e.g. eye length, neck length). Obviously, different part [sections] will fall in different places. For example, when I strech the front it reaches the bridge of my nose. When I strech a piece of hair from the nape it reaches the base of my neck. So how/where are you ladies measuring your hair?

Do you ladies measure from the crown down?
From the nape?
From the middle of your head?
I don't measure my hair anymore...haven't for a long time. I just go by where it falls on my body. However, when I used to measure, I measured from my hair line, because that was the standard way on another forum I frequent. I don't think it really matters when trying to keep track of your growth as long as you do it from the same place every time. The hair line is usually an easy, consistent place from which to measure.
I don't measure my hair anymore...haven't for a long time. I just go by where it falls on my body. However, when I used to measure, I measured from my hair line, because that was the standard way on another forum I frequent. I don't think it really matters when trying to keep track of your growth as long as you do it from the same place every time. The hair line is usually an easy, consistent place from which to measure.

Thanks Cichelle.

OT: I can't wait until you open your newest album...I need a hair fix...:look::lachen:
I'm a bit confused as to where I should be measuring my hair inorder to determine where on the chart I fall.. (e.g. eye length, neck length). Obviously, different part [sections] will fall in different places. For example, when I strech the front it reaches the bridge of my nose. When I strech a piece of hair from the nape it reaches the base of my neck. So how/where are you ladies measuring your hair?

Do you ladies measure from the crown down?
From the nape?
From the middle of your head?

I measure from the crown, hairline, and nape to see how the layers are going. I think people here measure from the nape when determining where they are on the chart. I've seen people with nape hair that reaches APL, but crown that reaches neck or shoulders be called APL by other people... Plus when people stretch their hair in length shots, they usually grab hair from the nape...

i picked "other" since i have layers. i can claim just touching BSL because from my nape i'm there... but the front of my hair is only APL (crown too i believe, perhaps a bit shorter than APL).

also i prefer to just say my hair is 13 inches long (meaning each layer is 13 inches, so obviously the layers fall at different places on my body). :yep:
i would say crown is a good place to start.but as it gets really long,then you pretty much have a good idea just by looking at about 30 inches low waist......when straightened..............about 26 when curly natural.:grin:
I had been doing the crown, hairline and nape to see if my growth was the same throughout.

But i think the hairline is easier to visualize...Like when you say.."My hair is eyebrow length."
When I want to know inches, I measure with a tape measure from the hairline. When I want to know 'claimable length' I 'eyeball' measure from the nape/earline/hairline. When I want to know my shortest layer, I 'eyeball' measure from the crown.