Serious Hair Problem

J Glazin

New Member
Hey Ladies,

Ok this is my problem. Lately I have been noticing some breakage in the back of my hair.I would take some pic but I lost the charger to my camera. Anyhow, the front of my hair is doing really well it is nice thick and it feels a whole lot strong but I can not say the same for the back of my head. I dont know what else to do I feel like I tried every thing. I massage it at night apply oil with peppermint oil. But still no growth but breakage. I am tired of looking at it.

Any suggestion???!!!

Im in need for some help!!!! PLZ!!!!! :nono:
what is you routine?? I had the same problem when I realized that I wasn't applying enough product (conditioner/moisturizers..etc..etc)to the back of my head...I started doing that and it has helped. Remember when conditioning try applying it like a relaxer to make sure every hair is being covered and rinse it out properly when finished.

Try a growth aid on you scalp so that it can catch up...after moisturizing seal with an oil.
I have the same problem!

The hair towards the back of your head seems to suffer the most, especially when brushing and styling. It's not easy to see it, so it's easy to overdo brushing (therefore inducing breakage), heat styling (just to make sure the back is *perfectly* straight), product application (did I put enough in the back???).

My suggestion would be to try using olive oil as a pre-shampoo to see if that helps with the breakage. Also, take a good multivitamin to make sure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to grow strong, healthy hair.

In the meantime, if you must use heat styling tools, don't overdo it! Try to give your hair a rest. Also, deep condition once in awhile to keep your hair healthy and soft.

Good luck!
what is you routine?? I had the same problem when I realized that I wasn't applying enough product (conditioner/moisturizers..etc..etc)to the back of my head...I started doing that and it has helped. Remember when conditioning try applying it like a relaxer to make sure every hair is being covered and rinse it out properly when finished.

Try a growth aid on you scalp so that it can catch up...after moisturizing seal with an oil.

I absolutely agree with her. I think one of the reasons people have problems with their nape and the back area of the hair when they start self styling is because you can really see your nape (Ever wonder why your hair was so healthy when your mother did it? lol) Try and pay more attention to the back of your hair and you should see some improvement.:yep:
hi there J Glazin!

it's going to be very difficult for us to fix your problem without some more details.

what do you do to your hair?
is it relaxed or natural?
do you put heat on your hair?

go ahead and describe how you'd treat your hair in a typical week. how you wash it, whether you use a comb or a brush.
If you are pulling it in a tight ponytail STOP. If you are relaxing that first and leaving the relaxer in there until you are done with all of your head, STOP.
The back of the hair is very fragile.

I would DC often, at least 2'xs per week, adding extra to the back. But make the DC a moisturizing one. No protein for while.

Are you relaxed or natural. That is good to know.

With the winter weather coming up be very careful of your coats, lining the collars with satin scarves. Use heat sparingly if you are using it.

DRINK LOTS OF WATER, and exercise!

Until you tell us your regimen, that is a place to start.
If you're relaxed, you should try putting the relaxer on the back LAST. Or limit the relaxing of the back to every OTHER relaxer.

Also, do you moisturize the back the same way you do the front?

Is your texture in the back the same as it is in the front?
Thx ladies for replying. My hair is relaxed. I try to co-wash 2X a week but going to work and school really tie me up. Cream Tee: I try not to put my hair in a low ponytail. I usually clip it up and then pin the ends with a hair pin. Trying to protect my ends.
Pookie: I try not to use to much heat. The only time I use heat in my hair is when I put on rollers. My daily routine is oil (olive, peppermint, and avocado oil) on my scalp and avocado butter with grapeseed and glycerin oil has a daily moisturizer.

I do wrap my hair every nite. I am just confuse and fustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx ladies for replying. My hair is relaxed. I try to co-wash 2X a week but going to work and school really tie me up. Cream Tee: I try not to put my hair in a low ponytail. I usually clip it up and then pin the ends with a hair pin. Trying to protect my ends.
Pookie: I try not to use to much heat. The only time I use heat in my hair is when I put on rollers. My daily routine is oil (olive, peppermint, and avocado oil) on my scalp and avocado butter with grapeseed and glycerin oil has a daily moisturizer.

I do wrap my hair every nite. I am just confuse and fustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure when you tie your hair at night that you are changing the position that you are tying the knot. Tying it in the same place everytime will cause breakage.

Sounds like you need more moisture in that area.

I found the middle and back of my head used to break a lot as i wasn't paying enough attention to it and applied more conditioners around the front and sides which i used to do a lot.

Also from when i was relaxed i remember telling my stylist to was the back out a lot more than usual after a relaxer.

Hey Ladies,

Ok this is my problem. Lately I have been noticing some breakage in the back of my hair.I would take some pic but I lost the charger to my camera. Anyhow, the front of my hair is doing really well it is nice thick and it feels a whole lot strong but I can not say the same for the back of my head. I dont know what else to do I feel like I tried every thing. I massage it at night apply oil with peppermint oil. But still no growth but breakage. I am tired of looking at it.

Any suggestion???!!!

Im in need for some help!!!! PLZ!!!!! :nono:

Some breakage is mechanical in nature (i.e. the way your hair is handled when blowdrying or detangling). I had a section of hair on my crown that was broken down to the scalp almost and it never would behave. It was my hair stylist that hipped me. He said I had to be careful when combing or detangling that area. So sure enough, when I started detangling very carefully in that area, it slowly but surely stopped breaking and is now filling in nicely.

Do you comb out your hair in the back not as gently as you might the rest of your hair? Do you comb out and down or is the breakage near the area that you part?
Hey I never thought of that Lunademiel. I usually tie it in the back. Tonite I will tie it in the front. I wish I didnt have to tie