Serenity326 has updates and pics GALORE!... 3 years natural and counting...


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I have been on a serious hiatus (craziness at work and at home),... I lost my camera (please do not get me started - I think someone at the nail salon stole it from me :wallbash:), and only recently got a new one... At least I bought one to capture the pics from my 3 yr nappiversary (I know that's not a word, but it should be :lachen:)

Anywho - would love you all to come through and check me out! I FINALLY colored my hair (well, highlighted to be exact), and gave myself a much needed trim (~2-4 inches, since my hair was re-layered).

I will try my best to answer any questions if there are any - I haven't been so good about it the first half of the year, so maybe things'll be better this time around! (please be kind/patient, though - my world has been INSANE!)

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaat! :blush:

*runs people over to get to the fotki* :bud:
Tee-hee, well let me know what you think - it has DEFINITELY been ages (3 months since my last uploaded photo and 6 months since my last REAL update - I know, VERY sad :blush:)

I was just thinking about you and your gorgeous tresses!

I like the new color!! Beautiful hair as always!

Thanks! I was nervous about coloring at first, but then I decided to just GO for it!
Congrats chiika. I finally found a hair type match. You give me so much inspiration. I can't wait to get to where you are. I saved your foki addy. Do you do your hair yourself and can you please post your regimen?

Congrats chiika. I finally found a hair type match. You give me so much inspiration. I can't wait to get to where you are. I saved your foki addy. Do you do your hair yourself and can you please post your regimen?


YAY!!! I love to find hair twins! I even started a thread about them (you can search for it if you are looking for more twins)...

As for a regimen, it is quite simple, actually:

MOST DAYS (wash and go routine):
*Co-wash with Pantene Moisture Renewal conditioner or Herbal Essence LTM
*Lightly rinse out conditioner, and apply Infusium Repairologie (if I am looking for more definition), or just the conditioner (if I want more fulness)
*Use a turban twistie towel to wrap my hair and squeeze out the excess moisture
*Add Eco-Styler (Brown) Gel to my edges to lay them down, and a little throughout the hair for slightly more hold/definition

2x MONTH (deep condition/detangle):
*Wash hair with any creme of nature detangling shampoo
*Detangle hair in sections (this takes me about an hour, which is why I do it infrequently - I think its because I shed so much)
*Deep condition hair (any deep conditioner will do, though I generally use anything that indicates it is for moisture)
*Continue with normal

Sometimes I will ponytail/bun my hair (picture below), but that's the biggest variation to my everyday styling.


When I am feeling really lazy, I end up with my hair looking like it does in my signature.

Hope that helps. I am hoping to add it some more natural ingredients/prods, eventually, but right now, this does the trick!

After looking at ALL your fotki pics......I have found my hair twin! YEAH! I heart your hair and your progress helps me so much to understand where this new natural"ness" is going! thanks again!!
After looking at ALL your fotki pics......I have found my hair twin! YEAH! I heart your hair and your progress helps me so much to understand where this new natural"ness" is going! thanks again!!

No problem! When I was transitioning, I had NO idea what to expect! All I knew was that my hair was difficult to deal with when I stretched my relaxers, but now I understand my natural hair soo much more!

I just wish I knew then, what I know now!
