Sept. 23rd. Happy Yom Kippur. Has Your Church....


Well-Known Member
...said anything about Yom Kippur, the blood moons, or all the talk about Sept. 23rd, financial crashes, Pope's visit? Just curious.
I don't mean to be a downer but Day of Atonement is not a day of happiness and joy, it is a day of sack cloth and ash... You wish people a good fast or that their names are written in the Book of Life.

No one knows the final day except for the Father. Just keep on living is all I got. RE: The papal visit, it's wonderful. He's spreading truth.
Thanks for sharing @kanozas. I'm assuming you mean my title is a bit inappropriate. I can't change it and I definitely don't mean any offense to anyone, so others will take it as they will. But it is a time of reflection, so there is something to be said about that.

This thread is not about the final day or hour. I'm just asking the question...has anyone's church discussed this week. If so, what's been shared? Does this week hold any personal significance to you ladies in general?
My church has not but I have done my personal research on it. I believe this season/time is very significant. All of this cannot be a coincidence. The Bible says that we should be aware of the times and the seasons, and that is what I am trying to do.

Whether or not anything happens, I just want my soul to be ready.
No offense taken at all and thanks for allowing me to give my tidbits. It's just the most solemn day in the year for Jews. You fast and don't even smile on today. It is a day of deep inner reflection for wrongs committed. It has a lot of significance to me and I used to observe it and some of my family do. I'm on the other side of that now and it's daily for me....atonement.

I'm listening to Pope Francis right now. His words are deeply spiritual and I hope they help us open up dialogue for justice and peace in the world. The reason I referenced "End Times" is that I heard some others elsewhere mentioning it in conjunction with he Papal Visit and Yom Kippur etc. I hope this explains beter.
Thank you @kanozas, it's not my intention to offend or be offended. Thank you for sharing. It certainly was not done with ill intent. I've been learning more about the Feasts and significant days of the Jewish faith because church doesn't share much, and I want to learn.

@Loving, yes, I echo your sentiments. I've been doing some research and I also don't believe that it's all a coincidence. After researching, I end with inner reflection and ask God to give me a clean heart and spirit that's pleasing to Him.
None of this is by coincidence and neither is this thread.

The Bible is clear when it tells us to 'watch the signs'. God has always used the signs of nature as prophesies and warnings. It is only by His loving grace and mercies that He withholds the 'times' giving grace to those who may yet still accept Him and believe and follow.

It is not God's will (nor His intent) that all should perish. He gave us Jesus with all of His heart and soul.