Separating Yourself from Unsaved Family Members


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had to keep distance from family member simply because of a difference in beliefs?

My sister and I got saved around the same time over 10 years ago. I have stayed true to my commitment to Christ. More so in these past few years as I decided to remain celibate until marriage. My sister however is on a backslidden stage. She doesn't believe the bible is true or in Jesus but somehow says she still believes in God/ The Universe and "energy"- that new age foolishness.

Anyways my sister recently told me that I may need to rethink this waiting until marriage thing because my relationships haven't worked out and this could be the reason.

She says we are not in high school anymore and no one is going to marry you if they don't see how you are sexually first.

I would never take relationship advice from her. Her drama and whorish ways is another thread in itself.

But I'm thinking about distancing myself from her after that convo. I love my sister but I just don't need to hear that right now.

Can anyone relate?
I don't distance myself from unbelievers. How will they ever see a follower of Christ if I distance myself from them? And I'm sure there are other things about which you can converse (I don't get into religious debates with non-believers for any length of time, nor do I follow the counsel of people, professed Christians or not, who are suggesting things clearly in violation of God's Word, for example) that are not relationship related. Focus on the things you have in common, not the things which divide you. Who knows? You might very well be the light she'll need to eventually find her way back to Christ.

And I'd stop talking to her about your relationships period--whether she's offering advice or not. She clearly cannot support your path, so she's not a good confidante for any relationship-related convo. If she asks you how dating is going, just say "great," and leave it at that. I have friends and family like that, and I just keep whatever that part of my life away from them and connect on the things we can connect on.
Agree unless you feel this family member is leading you from God you may be in their life to share God. Just try to stay in control of the environment.
I've been on both side of this debate.

My mother has separated herself from me because I am not nor will I again be a Jehovah Witness. Not only did she separate herself from her only child but her only grandchild.

Now on the other side of story, i was saved and my dad wasn't. When I was unsaved we both partied together but once i was saved I didn't do that anymore. I never would had though to separate myself from him but I just lived my life. He would say wow you don't curse like you use to, you don't drink like before, you stopped smoking,etc. I allowed my life to be my Jesus,my testimony untl one Sunday he called me up and said " GP guess what, I've joined a church" Praise God.

When he passed away a couple of years ago, he was in a comma for two days and my peace was knowing he was saved and going to be with the Father. So know i wouldn't separate myself but i would allow my light to shine and my Jesus to be the example to a family memeber
I don't distance myself from unbelievers. How will they ever see a follower of Christ if I distance myself from them? And I'm sure there are other things about which you can converse (I don't get into religious debates with non-believers for any length of time, nor do I follow the counsel of people, professed Christians or not, who are suggesting things clearly in violation of God's Word, for example) that are not relationship related. Focus on the things you have in common, not the things which divide you. Who knows? You might very well be the light she'll need to eventually find her way back to Christ.

And I'd stop talking to her about your relationships period--whether she's offering advice or not. She clearly cannot support your path, so she's not a good confidante for any relationship-related convo. If she asks you how dating is going, just say "great," and leave it at that. I have friends and family like that, and I just keep whatever that part of my life away from them and connect on the things we can connect on.

I should have phrased my original comment differently. Of course I would never cut my sister off and not speak to her but I do feel like certain topics I cannot go to her with. Even though I love my sister and need her support on some things, I realize that I cannot trust her with godly issues.

Same with my mother and other family members. I just continue to pray and hope that my light shines.
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