Sensitive Scalp, Resistant 4B HELP! (Please?)


New Member
So I'v been through hair ups and downs. My hair approached APL, but then a series of bad products caused me to cut my hair. Twice. Now it's approaching APL again, and I am about to get a relaxer. I think my biggest problem is my hair is underprocessed because I use relaxers for sensitive scalp, but I really need a stronger relaxer.

People with sensitive scalp and 4b hair, what kind of relaxers do you use? If you use a strong one, how do you prevent getting burned?
I have 4a/b hair and a very sensitive scalp. Prior to Mo Vitale Sensitive Scalp(lye) I used Mizani Sensitive Scalp(no lye) almost exclusively. It take some time and experimentation to find a relaxer that will process my hair and no burn my tender head and was a lye formula. I also found PhytoSpecific to be gentle on the scalp(not gentl on the pocket).

I have found all three online:
Mo Body Sensitive Scalp by Vitale

Mizani Sensitive Scalp

PhytoSpecific Index II

So give them a try. Good luck.
I also have a sensitive scalp and there are times when I don't know if a product will bother me until I've already used it. I have 4 a/b roots and I now use Phytospecific Index I. It leaves me telaxed in some areas, but I would try the Index I before trying the Index II.