SENGSCHICK - Help w/ Braided Bun


New Member
Okay, i'm going to take your advice and try to do this myself without the visual... dayumn dayumn DAYUMMMNNNNNNNN!!!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Here r ur directions (whatever I highlighted is confusing to me):

/images/graemlins/Rose.gif I use that same comb that's in the beehive bun how-to. Okay, so it's in the back instead of course. I use the same method of gathering the hair and then using the scrunchie before placing the comb in the hair. In the pics you saw I made a braid w/4 parts instead of 3 and braided it loosely. Loosely is the key. In that one pic when you can see the reflection if you look at my actual hair in foreground you can see the good hair days pins. After you braid LOOSELY, you just tuck the rest of your braid under the bun. Take about 5-6 good hair days hair pins and gently pull the parameters of the braid (closest to the comb) out and over the comb, then secure w/pin. That's it. That's why it's key that the braid is done loosely. Now if you want an assist or test, take your braid after it's tucked under and place your right palm over the braid and push it up. Once you pin, this is where it will sit on your head. You can take the "slack" from this position and beginning pinning from there as well. ?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /images/graemlins/Rose.gif

As you can see, i need some serious help /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Is it possible for you to type it in this format...

Step I - do this
Step II - do that

But try to elaborate just a little bit more on the highlighted parts? Thanks so much Sengs... if you can't do it today, I'll be fine, i'll just do the beehive bun instead.
btw, do you mean cornrow it in 4 parts instead of 3? or do you just mean a regular braid...? /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif

Lastly, can you please put the enlarged picture of the braided bun (from fotki) in this post. Thanks. And can you tell me what you put in ur hair to keep it smooth. /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
Well daymum who said I wanted to work today??? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif You got it CH. I'll be back in a minute.
I'm sorry, i know i sound bossy but i really really really really want to rock this style 2morrow b/c my buns r so boring ... did i just say that /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Okay here we go....

1) brush hair into place and secure w/scrunchi
2) insert hair comb (see behive bun in Beehive How-to Album )
3) remove scrunchi, let hair fall or finger comb
4) loosely dutch or french braid the hair making 4 sections instead of the typical 3.
My braid looks like the lower portion of this one only a bit looser:

5) Braid to the end of hair
6) Take the rest of your braid and pin it under and push it under the bun (for longer hair you may want to split your braid and tuck them under either side of the bun)

Okay so that's the most difficult part, now this is the easy part that hard to explain..... Phase 2

I'm going to try to include pics of my hair to help me explain this. But I have to upload the photos... brb


Phase 2

1) With the end of your braid secured (<font color=" orange">see :See the Braid Under.... pic </font> in Styles Album) take your left palm and place it over the braid (I'm a righty, so which ever works for you).

2) Now push/lift the braid-bun up (~10 degrees) or just begin pinning the hair. You'll only need to hold until you secure the first few pins.

3) Take small sections (5-6) around the perimeter of the braid and secure w/good hair days hair pin (see album for up close views; the seperation you see in pic 16 was created by the hair pin).

4) You gently pull the pin w/hair over the comb to conceal. At the same time it works to open up the braid and give it the bun roundness.

Practice makes perfect, but the key is to have a defined but loose braid. The everyday bun pics are results of the same method only w/a really, really loose braid. I don't like pulling my hair to taunt.

Okay, tell me what's still not crystal clear.
When i first read the directions i felt like this
Now, we are on the same page /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif
Thanks, Sengs for the instructions. /images/graemlins/clap.gif

One more question for the braindead (moi). How do you do a dutch braid w/ four pieces? /images/graemlins/look.gif
Thanks, CH. I clicked on the link and it showed how to do the 3 strand and a 5 strand but I couldn't find the 4 strand.
It's the same process Tai, just w/one less section than the 5 strand. I think you need 3 hands to do a 5 strand braid. It's just like french braiding only w/4 sections instead of 3.

Okay, I can't crop like I need to in Fotki, so your stuck w/going via Yahoo. I'll post the rest of the instructions in 2 secs.
Okay I just edited the initial directions, so it would all be in one post. I'm trying to think of ways to word it so that it's clear. It's really too easy to explain, you're really just taking sections of hair and pulling it over the comb. It's really just that simple. The key is that the braid is loose so that you aren't damaging your hair or messing up the look of the braid. That's why u need the slack in the hair. Pushing the braid up, helps you grab that hair that you need to secure.
2) Now push/lift the braid-bun up (~10 degrees) or just begin pinning the hair. You'll only need to hold until you secure the first few pins.

As i lift it up... am i pinning just the bottom to give it height? and will i b pinning the hair to cover the hairband thingee or above it? or will i be pinning it to give it that BUN look (like i c in picture #17)?

3) Take small sections (5-6) - HUH??? LOL - around the perimeter of the braid and secure w/good hair days hair pin (see album for up close views; the seperation you see in pic 16 was created by the hair pin).

Around the perimeter, meaning the ends of the hair all the way around (in a circle) and pin that? or just the left and right sides...? Also, r u showing us a side view of picture #16 or is that a top view?

4) You gently pull the pin w/hair over the comb to conceal. At the same time it works to open up the braid and give it the bun roundness.

This is just a continuation to #3 correct?

Lastly... how loose is the hairband thingee around the head and did you wrap it around twice like you do for ur beehive bun?
2) Now push/lift the braid-bun up (~10 degrees) or just begin pinning the hair. You'll only need to hold until you secure the first few pins.

As i lift it up... am i pinning just the bottom to give it height? <font color="purple">You've already pinned the bottom, so the lift is to help you everywhere else </font> and will i b pinning the hair to cover the hairband thingee or above it? or will i be pinning it to give it that BUN look (like i c in picture #17)? <font color="purple"> Yes, you have it. Above it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>

3) Take small sections (5-6) - HUH??? LOL - <font color="purple">not sections, just spots where you are pinning; I really don't think I use more than that 8 at the very MOST, too many make the braid flatten. </font> around the perimeter of the braid and secure w/good hair days hair pin (see album for up close views; the seperation you see in pic 16 was created by the hair pin).

Around the perimeter, meaning the ends of the hair all the way around (in a circle) and pin that? <font color="purple"> yes, that's it /images/graemlins/smile.gif</font> or just the left and right sides...? <font color="purple"> nope all sides, b/c you want a uniform shape </font> Also, r u showing us a side view of picture #16 or is that a top view? <font color="purple"> that's a side view </font>

4) You gently pull the pin w/hair over the comb to conceal. At the same time it works to open up the braid and give it the bun roundness.

This is just a continuation to #3 correct? <font color="purple"> Yes, ma'am /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>

Lastly... how loose is the hairband thingee around the head and did you wrap it around twice like you do for ur beehive bun? <font color="purple"> /images/graemlins/smile.gif I do it twice, once is just never enough for me. But whatever you are used to. I always stretch mine when I insert it, so it goes around twice. Just as long as it's secure. </font>
2) Now push/lift the braid-bun up (~10 degrees) or just begin pinning the hair. You'll only need to hold until you secure the first few pins.

As i lift it up... am i pinning just the bottom to give it height? You've already pinned the bottom, so the lift is to help you everywhere else and will i b pinning the hair to cover the hairband thingee or above it? or will i be pinning it to give it that BUN look (like i c in picture #17)? Yes, you have it. Above it. <font color="blue"> So I will b pinning it all the way around INSIDE of the hair thingee which will get it to form the bun. It will look as if I have a rubberband holding the big braided poof (but not tight). Correct? </font>

3) Take small sections (5-6) - HUH??? LOL - not sections, just spots where you are pinning; I really don't think I use more than that 8 at the very MOST, too many make the braid flatten.<font color="blue"> You do mean 1 section, pin, next section, pin ... ? </font> around the perimeter of the braid and secure w/good hair days hair pin (see album for up close views; the seperation you see in pic 16 was created by the hair pin). <font color="blue"> Basically, i just spread the braidbun out by using goody hair pins and pin it OVER the hair thingee to conceal it. Which in turn, will spread the bun out. </font>
2) Now push/lift the braid-bun up (~10 degrees) or just begin pinning the hair. You'll only need to hold until you secure the first few pins.

As i lift it up... am i pinning just the bottom to give it height? You've already pinned the bottom, so the lift is to help you everywhere else and will i b pinning the hair to cover the hairband thingee or above it? or will i be pinning it to give it that BUN look (like i c in picture #17)? Yes, you have it. Above it. <font color="blue"> So I will b pinning it all the way around INSIDE of the hair thingee which will get it to form the bun. <font color="purple"> Ok, now I'm confused /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. You are pinning above the comb so it's concealed. Not inside of the hair thingy /images/graemlins/nono.gif, but above and over it so it's not seen. Don't worry about the shaping just secure it. W/even spacing it'll happen, don't worry about it. </font> It will look as if I have a rubberband holding the big braided poof (but not tight). Correct? </font> <font color="purple">Yes /images/graemlins/smile.gif. </font>

3) Take small sections (5-6) - HUH??? LOL - not sections, just spots where you are pinning; I really don't think I use more than that 8 at the very MOST, too many make the braid flatten.<font color="blue"> You do mean 1 section, pin, next section, pin ... ? </font> <font color="purple"> /images/graemlins/smile.gif yes </font> around the perimeter of the braid and secure w/good hair days hair pin (see album for up close views; the seperation you see in pic 16 was created by the hair pin). <font color="blue"> Basically, i just spread the braidbun out by using goody hair pins and pin it OVER the hair thingee to conceal it. Which in turn, will spread the bun out. </font> <font color="purple"> /images/graemlins/smile.gif , I think you've got it. Now practice tonight a few times and be patient. And take pics /images/graemlins/smile.gif!! </font>
Another thing I thought of CH.... Once your braid gets below your shoulders start braiding tighter b/c you'll have to conceal it and it's easier if the braid stem is tighter. Her hair is pretty long and she was able to tuck it. There are instructions on the site.
CaramelHonee said:
THANK YOU SENGS /images/graemlins/kiss.gif

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You're welcome darling /images/graemlins/kiss.gif. Now if it's jacked up it ain't my fault /images/graemlins/look.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm out!
sengschick said:
Well daymum who said I wanted to work today??? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif You got it CH.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, so what happened CH /images/graemlins/look.gif? It took me all day to get up the nerve to ask /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif.
LOL... after all that pestering, i didn't do it b/c i wasn't able to wash my hair. i washed and set my hair sat morning and i plan on trying it thurs or fri as i am going to do the behive bun 2nite and wear that throughout the week. BTW, ur instructions are PRICELESS!
Oh okay, I feel much better /images/graemlins/laugh.gif. I swear I was all anxious and stuff! LOL. It was such a big occassion I didn't want your hair to be a let down on my account /images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

You're going to wear this beehive bun for how long??? How? You can't keep that comb in that long. Don't you break a precious strand /images/graemlins/spank.gif.
Girl please. NO!!!! /images/graemlins/nono.gif /images/graemlins/nono.gif /images/graemlins/nono.gif I get hair headaches, so I take those suckers out as soon as I get home. /images/graemlins/nono.gif Plus the teeth in that comb will break your hair. TRUST ME, I learned the hard way /images/graemlins/frown.gif by wearing them daily in the past. So you certainly cannot sleep in that thing /images/graemlins/nono.gif.
Running into thread to say: Sengschick your beehive bun is so cute! I will definitely be stealing your instructions after touch up time...I may rock this look to the company x-mas party! Thanks.

O.K I'm leaving now.
Thanks Falon! It's there to be stolen, but I think this one is even easier /images/graemlins/smile.gif. But let me know how it goes.