Sengelese Twists vs Kinky Twists

What type of hair do u get for the segl'ese twists?

They provided the hair but they used bulk braiding hair the type you use for box braids. They blow dried it before twisting. They started it the same way as kinky twists ie they braided an inch or so then started twisting. I prefer this hair to kinky twist hair bc kinky twist hair is too rough for me
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How do you wash natural hair in Senegalese twists without puffiness issues?

When washing hair I focus all my massaging on the scalp. For the braids themselves I pour diluted shampoo over them then instead of scrubbing I made sure the braids were saturated with soapy water then grabbed a handful (like you'd be grabbing a handful of straws) and squeeze a few times so the soap gets into the braid then I let the water from the shower rinse everything off I wouldn't use my hand. Be careful with this part bc the braids can get a little heavy so don't pull or tug anything too much. When I'm done washing I get a towel, bend down from the waist so the braids are hanging down, wrap the towel around the braids (picture a twinkie where the cream is your hair and the baked part is the towel) then plop the whole thing on your head so you can walk around and get dressed and such. This way you don't manipulate the twists and they dry pretty fast this way. If you really need to dry in a hurry use the towel and squeeze the same way you squeezed to get the soapy water in your hair. The whole point is to avoid rubbing or anything to disturb the twists. This helps them look fresh for ever
Bump, anyone use human hair for their twists? I've asked this before (last year) and am checking to see if the idea has caught on.
That makes sense. :yep: I would guess that the kinky twists would look better the older they got, but the sengelese twists need to be touched up more often.

Yes this is true... I've had my senegalese twists for 3 weeks and I am itching to remove them already. :ohwell: