Senegalese twists already frizzy?


New Member
Hey y'all! So quick update, I've had these thick-ish senegalese twists in my head for about a week now. I like them and I've gotten plenty of compliments and whatnot but I'm worried now. They are already starting to look really frizzy :nono:. I had planned to keep these in for around 6 weeks, but I don't even know if they'll last that long. The only time I put water on them was the first day - I used hot water in the shower to loosen them up from my head a little bit because they were very tight. Not bump causing, headache forming tight, but a bit too snug for me. Since then I've use a moisturizing spray every other day (water, olive oil, Hawaiian silky 14 in 1, HR LTR) on my real hair length and cleaned my scalp this past weekend with sea breeze and went back through with olive oil. I also sleep every night in a low ponytail with my hair covered in a satin scarf or on a satin pillowcase.

They look a lot older because of the loose hairs and frizz and I want to know how to fix this and keep future frizz at bay. I've tried retwisting a few, but I think I'm just bad at it because they still look just as frizzy afterwards. Maybe I'm just tripping because I'm used to having micro braids or individuals, which are a little bit longer lasting? I have a picture attached, please help :( They don't look awful from afar, but still noticeable enough to the point where I feel like they won't last more than 2 more weeks.


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anything jumbo does not last long. bigger braids and twists on avg last 2 to 3 weeks if that no matter what most people do. if u have very very kinky natural hair that has staying power 5 weeks max lol. if u want a long lasting style go smaller.
and applying too much product with oil and glycerin to the braids causes the hair to slip and separate from the braids and cause fly away and frizz.
I say a combo of what everyone said. Size, products, and hair type (yours & weave). Who did them? Was it a pro job? When I had them they were of average size done at a african salon and they lasted 7 weeks. The twists were fine but I had too much new growth. I usually get my edges done around week 3.
I'm relaxed and the shop just used Kanekalon hair. Not sure the brand.

I got slightly bigger ones because I thought it would be less stress on my hair overall than teeny ones and I had seen other people keep them for six weeks. These were $150 so I need this mess to stretch for a lil bit lol I don't have money like that
My braider always tells me not to wash fresh Havana twists for 2 weeks.

I've had them in for about 6 weeks and they look fine, not fresh by any means but not too frizzy. I'm natural though so frizzy will only look more natural with the Fingercomber hair I've been using.
Would that hair look good with relaxed hair though? I thought about doing havana twists myself, but figured it would look weird. I guess I wish I knew what level of "frizziness" is acceptable.
I'd say ask the braider if she could touch them up as it makes yet look bad.
Also I agree washing them fresh might hedge been a bad idea. If you do some yourself use some gel
Oh and would check what hair she used bad quality hair leads to bad braids
Also relaxed people get Havana twists so or should be fine my Hair barely was seen through the twists
Well for future reference, what type of hair do you all think would be best? That way, even if I go to the same place (or twist them myself) I can bring my own hair. They're very pretty, I just want them to last longer.
When mine start getting frizzy I apply a good dose of setting lotion and then tie them down overnight. I also dip my ends in boiling water every week. Doing these two things alone helps keep my twists looking fresh.
Well for future reference, what type of hair do you all think would be best? That way, even if I go to the same place (or twist them myself) I can bring my own hair. They're very pretty, I just want them to last longer.

For just straight kanekalon hair by brand xpressions is softest and holds up the bet out of what I've tried but just make sure you feel the hair and feel it's softness if it isn't soft in the pack it will be worse in your head.
For marley type hair i think femi is the brand most people recommend. As long as the hair isn't hard i think it works well.

One more question did the braider dip your hair is boiling water after she finished?
nlamr2013 yeah she dipped them twice actually.

Thanks for the hair brand tip! For now I'll try mixing setting lotion with some water and tying my hair down. Hopefully that will help. I may just completely redo the front though because for some reason my scalp is stupid flaky in just that one section. Makes my hair look dirty. I don't even get this flaky when I normally go a week without washing >_< sigh........I tried to have "easy" hair and this ain't it lol