Semi-Rant from Natural Beauty


New Member
Hi lovely ladies. This is a semi-rant.

My sister just started transitioning and she asked me what products do I think would work best with her hair. She did this about a week ago.
First off, let me say I despise this question. :lol:
If I offer a Holy Grail product and it works great, I get the big fan leaves and get fed grapes. Endless edification and praise. . .The works.
But if I offer a product that makes her hair feel like a brillo pad . . . I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to hair care.
I gracefully bowed out, saying "Its possible that your newgrowth (natural hair) will now like things your relaxed hair (straight ends) won't. So it'll probably be a lot of trial and error. Just try some things and see :look: She seemed to like that answer.
Then she asked me, "well, what do you do to your hair?"
. . .
. . .
You mean other than slathering it in eggs and mayonnaise and washing it MAYBE once a month with shampoo but practically daily with a cheap conditioner and using EVOO to seal in the moisture so it doesn't escape?

I can only imagine how that would have sounded to a newbie. :lachen:

So I baby-stepped her. Jus to see what she could take.

"I rinse it almost daily. . . with conditioner. I rarely shampoo. . .maybe once a month".

. . .


"Yeah, its called cowashing. Shampoo can be really drying, and I can rinse my hair daily or every other day with conditioner and I get my needed moisture".

. . . . . .


Natural Beauty: :look:

Now today, I see her, and she TOLD on me. She said "I told a hairstylist what you do."

"Did you." -__-

"Yep. I couldn't remember the phrase you called it, co-somethin. . . but she said you were doing exactly right. She said you shouldn't even really wash your hair once a week with shampoo, cuz its drying".

Thats CRAZY because I said the EXACT same thing to you last week.

"Yeah, just letting you know you're doing it right".

Thanks. Because I came to you for help, right? :lol:

I get no respect. :lachen:
do you blog?
If you had a blog i would read it, you entertain me, lol.

anyways, i like your "baby steps" idea. tryin to do that with a few family members...
Awesome. You're only right when someone else confirms it :yep:.

OT, me and my SO both hate this. I'm right when google says the same thing--because I went to law school for the h*ll of it right? And my SO is right when google says it too, because those years in medical school didn't mean ish. :ohwell:
do you blog?
If you had a blog i would read it, you entertain me, lol.

anyways, i like your "baby steps" idea. tryin to do that with a few family members...

LOL! No, I don't blog, though I'm often pushed to. It'd make sense though. . . as I'm an English Major and writer. . . :lol:

Awesome. You're only right when someone else confirms it :yep:.

OT, me and my SO both hate this. I'm right when google says the same thing--because I went to law school for the h*ll of it right? And my SO is right when google says it too, because those years in medical school didn't mean ish. :ohwell:

Exaaaaaaaactly. Smh. Except I uhh. . . didn't go to school for hair. . . or anything. LOL! But you feel me! :lol: