Self Warming Conditioning Cap is EXCELLENT!


New Member
I have been using this cap for my conditioners and it is great! I stop using heat to penetrate my conditioners a long time ago to cut down on the heat that goes on my hair since I press.

The cap is made like aluminum foil and you can actually feel the some heat when the cap when it's on. It's a great buy at Sally's for $1.49...I bought 10 /images/graemlins/grin.gif. One cap will last for about one month before the aluminum starts to come off.

Also, I have noticed that since using this cap, my conditioners seem to work even ends always come out really moist. I roller set my hair ( not all the way to the roots, because it would take to long to dry). I basically rolled the ends and let it dry naturally in the roller and my hair came out shiny, and the ends looked great. I didn't even have to do a hard press on my ends and the curling iron just glided through them. I did this yesterday and the outcome for my hair and ends was beyond what I expected. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've never seen these but I'd give them a try. I usually put on a regular plastic caps (15 for $1.00 at Sallys) with my deep conditioner, go work out for about 45 min and my body heat helps the conditioner penetrate my hair without using an external heat source.

The aluminum caps sound like they'd work even better. Thanks, hairfanatic.
Hairfanatic, you've reminded me about a great product i totally forgot about. I used to have a gold and a silver one. My BF used to look at me like /images/graemlins/shocked.gif when I had it on.

Ladies, the shower cap infront of the other halves is one thing but whenit's bright gold it takes them a lot of getting used to /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

When I get the chance I'm gonna go to Sally's and get me a couple of them, they do work really well.
Thanks for the sharing this tip Hairfanatic! I definitely want to try this out! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif It sounds like a great alternative to sitting under the hooded dryer. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
This sounds great. I have seen them but never thought that they really made a difference. I am going to try it as well.

Thanks! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I was doing so I have to buy this But they sound really great. Alot of times I don't feel like sitting under the dryer for a deep conditioning. But I try to do it in the shower with a regular plastic cap. These would be perfect.
I used mine today for about an hour and I must say I'm hooked on these again. My hair felt soooo good after using it. REAL REAL good and I deep condition after every hair wash twice a week so I know I wasn't imagining it.
Hairfanatic how long are you supposed to keep the cap on your head?

Also do you still need to use the hooded dryer with it?

Thanx. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'd say you can keep it on for anything from 20 minutes upwards. It uses your own body heat to penetrate the conditioners into the hair.

It's designed as such so you won't need the dryer and can use this as an alternative.
Hi Jubilee

I normally keep my on for an hour. I have also kept it on all day and wrapped a scarf around my head like it was a bun. I leave it on all day sometimes, especially when my hair has had a ruff week.