Self relaxing-Lye users..Help! Help! HELP PLEASE!!!


New Member
Good Morning,

Yesterday I bought Silk Elements from Sally's BSS store. I would like to do a self relaxer with lye. I have been doing my own relaxers for almost 20 years and just recently my texlaxing. I don't think texlaxing is working for me. My question is how should I put the lye relaxer on as to not overprocess my hair. I read some ladies do a half /half method. Please help. I had plans to do this today but I certainly can wait until I get some suggestions:look:. Thanks ladies.

There are some real relxer experts here who I'm sure will be along soon.

But a great tip I picked up was to spritz my already-relaxed hair with liquid silk amino acids or CHI Silk Infusion and allow to dry just before relaxing. This helps prevent damage from overlapping. I originally put SAA on my new growth and my hair was severely underprocessed so it clearly has a protective effect.

Some people also mix the relaxer with oil or other concoctions to make the relaxer less damaging. However my resistant hair laughs at the Silk Elements recommended processing times, so I don't use that method.