Self relaxing, help!!


New Member
Hi everyone, this is an AMAZING forum! I am learning so much from it and getting so much inspiration from all the posters here.

For people who relax their own hair, just how serious is this? I really want to start doing my own because yes I worry about overlapped relaxers, relaxer left on wash basins, incorrect neutralizing and to top it off the roughest detangler possible from root to tips. :mad: Oh and then some layers in your "trim". They scrub really hard during neutralizing too what is up with that, does it even help?? They don't care about your hair at all!!! Doing my relaxers myself would be perfect, but I'm so scared of breaking my hair off or underprocessing it. The thing is I was trying to practice yesterday with some moisturising cream and a brush to see if I could cope with it and I was managing to get it on relaxed hair too.

I was thinking of asking my sis to help me, or using a mirror and my fingers so I can get a better feel. Has anyone got any tips? I've read london diva's tutorial which gave me loads of ideas (and made me think I could do this myself) but I just wanted to know how anyone handled getting it on their relaxed hair.

I have pretty thick hair just past my shoulders, it's not too healthy but the texture looks nice on a good hair day, and overall I like it. I'm so worried about doing it myself though, but thinking about it a thoroughly overlapped and comb smoothed relaxer by a hairdresser can't be that healthy either. I ALWAYS got burnt too. My stylist used no lye (I have DRRRYY hair but it was dry with lye too :perplexed ) and I want to use the opportunity to change to Phyto which has no calcium.
What shall I do!!:look:
Yeah I don't know why they do that. Maybe so you have thoroughly permed and smoothed hair that looks quite good (until it starts breaking a week later that is) and you think they do good relaxers and technical work and come back.
The things is as well, if you did ask them to just put it on one inch of your hair they would not do it for you (be it the attention they would have to pay, or them feeling you have no right to personalise your haircare. That you are paying for. I'm paying for it why can't you just give me what I'd like to pay for??!
I'm really bad at asking for things charmingly as well, it never comes out quite right :( I'm not assertive enough.
I dont feel comfortable putting my relaxer in, and at this point I'd rather pay for someone to, I've had breakage when relaxer as been put on relaxed hair and its not somethin I'd want ever again. For my next relaxer, I'm buying my Phyto and taking it to the dominican place i go to and specifically ask that its only put on my new growth, and thats another reason I'm stretchin for 12 weeks, because I want to have sufficient growth to see the difference.
I have self relaxed for 2 years with Mizani Sensitive Scalp. I have found that stretching (12-14 weeks) has helped tremedously with the overlapping problem...the more new growth; the harder to overlap. I also seperate my hair into 3 pony tails...two on the side and one in the back...this makes it easier to part and accurately apply the relaxer...quickness is if you are nervous..relax one part, neutralize and then relax the other parts of the head. I start with the crown hair; save the edges/nape for the last part. I use Regenal neutralizing solution(made by Wella sold in Sallys) and a neutralizing takes longer at home to relax, but it is SO worth the results. YOU have control over how long you leave the relaxer in, you can monitor how processed your hair becomes, you don't have to wait for someone else to get to your hair, no chemical burns...overprocessing/underprocessing is important to monitor...make sure you have a timer; perform a strand test on some hair(like a strand on the side or front) relaxer it and test how long it takes to process...try to use salon-quality relaxers(Affirm, Mizani, Phyto, Designer Touch) versus box relaxers...also there are tons of self relaxing tips on the board ..hth