SELF RELAXERS - How do you rinse out your relaxer?


New Member
So, I'm starting to get curious about self relaxing (even though it scares the bejesus out of me).

How, or rather, where do you all rinse out your relaxer? Kitchen sink? Bathtub? Or do you use the shower?

If you use the shower, HOW are you able to rinse out the relaxer without causing problems?
I've done all of the above and the shower is easier - I'm almost tall enough to reach all the way over in the sink - almost, but not quite. Bending over the tub with the handheld shower is good when I have someone there to help;otherwise, my back starts to hurt before I'm finished with the process. Int he shower is easy. I have never had a problem with chemicals in untoward places. That said, I the jumpoing in and out is kind of annoying, but a girl must suffer for the cause.
Shower with removable shower head is the best. You can get the showerhead right against your scalp to make sure all the chemicals are out. Sink I can't always get around my hairline, regular shower I usually miss some in the nape area and that's the worst.
Shower with removable shower head is the best. You can get the showerhead right against your scalp to make sure all the chemicals are out. Sink I can't always get around my hairline, regular shower I usually miss some in the nape area and that's the worst.

What if I don't have a removable shower head (I also can't install one because I live on campus at school)? :perplexed Any suggestions on how to rinse in the shower?
I applied my touch-up this week. My daughter usually does it, but she was unavailable and I couldn't wait any longer due to excessive breakage.

I used the shower for rinsing instead of bending over the sink. It worked out perfectly! I hardly lost any hair or incurred mega tangling, like I do when rinsing over the sink. I also didn't encounter perm residue flowing to "sensitive spots".

If I have to apply my touch-ups in the future , it's the shower-rinse method for me!

OMG we must have LHCF telepathy or something because I came on to ask the exact same question...:yep: :lachen:
I applied my touch-up this week. My daughter usually does it, but she was unavailable and I couldn't wait any longer due to excessive breakage.

I used the shower for rinsing instead of bending over the sink. It worked out perfectly! I hardly lost any hair or incurred mega tangling, like I do when rinsing over the sink. I also didn't encounter perm residue flowing to "sensitive spots".

If I have to apply my touch-ups in the future , it's the shower-rinse method for me!


Do you have a detachable shower head or do you just stand under a regular shower?
If you don't have a removable showerhead, just use the shower you have - it will work. I have one now - thus my answer - but haven't always had one.

A regular shower will work just fine. By holding your head back, I thikn you help eliminate tangling - the force of the water flow does most of the detangling work for you.
I lean over the kitchen sink. I lift my hair section by section, separate that and use my hand to lightly rub/massage to make sure the relaxer is rinsing away.
So, I'm starting to get curious about self relaxing (even though it scares the bejesus out of me).

How, or rather, where do you all rinse out your relaxer? Kitchen sink? Bathtub? Or do you use the shower?

If you use the shower, HOW are you able to rinse out the relaxer without causing problems?

I rinse in the shower. I pay very close attention to all sections, and use my fingers as a guide. I stay under the water for quite a while. SistaSlick says in her Associated Content, when neutralizing, not to scrunch up the hair while shampooing....instead to stroke it in the direction downwards, to get straighter results.

Read this for other self-relax questions:
I rinse out bending over the tub. I bought a rinse ace sprayer for rinsing out relaxers because the water pressure is much higher and I don't run so much risk of not rinsing all of the relaxer out.

Maybe you can get someone to install the piece for you. Or you could do it yourself ... it is really easy. Also, the ace rinse sprayer detaches from your shower head, so when you are done with it, it is as simple as one turn and it comes off. Oh and it is really cheap ... less than $20.
I rinse out in the shower. First I set a timer for 10 min., then I rinse starting with the first section I applied the relaxer, doing that for 2 minutes. Then I move to the next section, rinse for two minutes, and so on. Then when I get to the 4th section I rinse my whole head for the remainder of the time. This technique is from Shamboosie's book and I find it very helpful in not missing any spots (as well as not underprocessing).
I rinse out bending over the tub. I bought a rinse ace sprayer for rinsing out relaxers because the water pressure is much higher and I don't run so much risk of not rinsing all of the relaxer out.

Maybe you can get someone to install the piece for you. Or you could do it yourself ... it is really easy. Also, the ace rinse sprayer detaches from your shower head, so when you are done with it, it is as simple as one turn and it comes off. Oh and it is really cheap ... less than $20.

Unfortunately, the sprayer cannot be an option for me. I live in on campus housing (i.e. similar to a dorm). Can't install stuff like that. Thanks for the tip though.